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Could Poptobob be the next big thing?
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-6 Frags +

Hi fyg

Hi fyg
-9 Frags +

Could Dinky Hotchkiss be the next big thing?

Could Dinky Hotchkiss be the next big thing?
-8 Frags +

fyg you neeed to get off the internet..........

fyg you neeed to get off the internet..........
-5 Frags +


27 Frags +

poptobob has a very cute dog

poptobob has a very cute dog
64 Frags +


0 Frags +

He already is

He already is
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-3 Frags +

what a cute dog PeepoGlad


what a cute dog PeepoGlad
-2 Frags +

hi fyg : D

hi fyg : D
-4 Frags +

He's next up. Fr Fr.

He's next up. Fr Fr.
12 Frags +

too obsessed with the prospect of getting out of open rather than just improving himself to reach that level, and i dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's. both explain the stagnation and complacency.

holds the negative quality of being predictable as a roamer and here is some specific critique describing this:

metalworks holding 2nd even & disad, heavily overuses the ctap from bridge to walljump high bomb into deep alley, so consistent that eventually the strat just became that i high bomb then curve and/or bomb away flank to bait this jump and we get a 0 risk free soldier pick. this pattern of misunderstanding off-timings is apparent elsewhere, its just especially noticeable in this context.
gullywash pushing 2nd from last, overuses high bomb from upper into choke to sync. would be fine if it weren't for the fact that hes landing directly on ground in front of choke, even unbuffed at times after doing it. i remember telling my demo at one point to just stick ground since hed land there, think he insta died but even if not its still consistently enough damage that he may as well have, and theres no risk in shooting the ground.
process mids, every(<--) mid rolls out fast onto his crate. unimposing, unchanging, and abusable when a soldier fast rolls out directly onto him. when i roamed i forced the habit of fast rollout to mg, much more consistent than it may sound and would stop him from doing his default the following mid.
i remember villa mids being particularly repetitive but cant recollect. whatever, shit map gone now anyways.

i could go on, but i wont. i think ive made my point clear with what ive given that anything more just seems redundant, and those were tabs i dont value enough to keep to myself. ill let the rest remain in obscurity though.

too obsessed with the prospect of getting out of open rather than just improving himself to reach that level, and i dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's. both explain the stagnation and complacency.

holds the negative quality of being predictable as a roamer and here is some specific critique describing this:

metalworks holding 2nd even & disad, heavily overuses the ctap from bridge to walljump high bomb into deep alley, so consistent that eventually the strat just became that i high bomb then curve and/or bomb away flank to bait this jump and we get a 0 risk free soldier pick. this pattern of misunderstanding off-timings is apparent elsewhere, its just especially noticeable in this context.
gullywash pushing 2nd from last, overuses high bomb from upper into choke to sync. would be fine if it weren't for the fact that hes landing directly on ground in front of choke, even unbuffed at times after doing it. i remember telling my demo at one point to just stick ground since hed land there, think he insta died but even if not its still consistently enough damage that he may as well have, and theres no risk in shooting the ground.
process mids, every(<--) mid rolls out fast onto his crate. unimposing, unchanging, and abusable when a soldier fast rolls out directly onto him. when i roamed i forced the habit of fast rollout to mg, much more consistent than it may sound and would stop him from doing his default the following mid.
i remember villa mids being particularly repetitive but cant recollect. whatever, shit map gone now anyways.

i could go on, but i wont. i think ive made my point clear with what ive given that anything more just seems redundant, and those were tabs i dont value enough to keep to myself. ill let the rest remain in obscurity though.
19 Frags +

https://rgl.gg/Public/Team?t=12610&r=40 I apologize. He is playoffs IM

https://rgl.gg/Public/Team?t=12610&r=40 I apologize. He is playoffs IM
-7 Frags +

ngl i totally forgot i made this thread

ngl i totally forgot i made this thread
20 Frags +
fygngl i totally forgot i made this thread

I didn't.

[quote=fyg]ngl i totally forgot i made this thread[/quote]

I didn't.
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