Account Details
SteamID64 76561198025178237
SteamID3 [U:1:64912509]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:32456254
Country United States
Signed Up January 26, 2013
Last Posted July 21, 2020 at 2:39 PM
Posts 469 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.73
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 2014
Keyboard Noppoo Choc Mini w/Cherry MX Reds
Mousepad QcK Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser HD 598s
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
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#31 yomps Family Fundraiser announced in News

Count me in! I'll dust off the medigun to show my support for my boy! #RespectHim No matter where I place in the Open Division, I'll be donating a bit as well. cu@ (virtually)

posted about 4 years ago
#331 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

Rest In Peace!

Yomps was one of the few players to understand me and my personality in TF2. He changed my perspective in 6s and helped me become a better person in the long run. I always appreciated how he checked up on me and made me feel welcome in the community. I ended doing some video stuff for him here and there - here's one of those if you want a trip down memory lane. https://youtu.be/ki1mEhMFGKk

RIP king! :(

posted about 4 years ago
#184 describe your tf2 career in 3 words or less. in TF2 General Discussion

i dropped uber

posted about 5 years ago
#20 tf2 editor appreciation post in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you for being appreciative pyxelize - you put some good work in yourself! I'll come out from the depths of work/school to show my appreciation.

I've been out of the scene for a while, but I was able to leverage my TF2 editing to have it become an hourly-paid job at my work! I mostly did CSGO movies but also made a lot of stingers and other animations for the social media marketers.

My shoutouts and inspirations, in no particular order, are NaF, ikpure, Beater, CjC, Googler, and Nick. They've all influenced my understanding of editing throughout my time in TF2 and helped me create my own style that people enjoy.

I hope to return one day when I have the time and drive again - doing it at my job has burnt me out for a bit.

posted about 6 years ago
#3764 stream highlights in Videos

https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryWanderingGoosePeteZarollTie poor rays volume 2 :(

posted about 7 years ago
#3688 stream highlights in Videos

https://clips.twitch.tv/HealthyBumblingPeppermintKippa poor rays :(

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Freestate leaves froyotech, retires from TF2 in News

Freestate is one of my favorite players both because of his skill and his respect for others. Similar to bkn, Freestate was one of the few that talked to me with a kind of respect that you don't see often - always provided good advice in pugs and such.

He was particularly helpful to me when making the i58 movie - promptly provided demos and ticks and even caught an error I had made in my STV pack. Super nice throughout and wasn't bugging me to use his clips or to edit them a certain way.

I'm sad I never got to meet you at a LAN, but I'll miss you all the same, Freestate. <3

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Best Memory? in Off Topic
PadfootemkayReleasing the i58 movie. The story behind its creation (that many don't know about)
I absolutely loved the video, what's the story?

It's a bit of a long story, but there's a summary at the bottom too.

A few months before i58, the TFTV crew came up to me and ask if I will make the intro video and bumper videos for the event (the ones they play before and after breaks). I say yes - a few weeks later Dashner asks me "How confident are you in making a high quality video in 48 hours?". He suggests that if I'm able to, I should make a grand finals intro video using footage from the event earlier that weekend. I take on the task and ask for the weekend off of work.

i58 weekend comes around and the matches on Friday begin. I watch them during my classes, get home, and begin watching everything else throughout the night, keeping Twitch Clips of everything. I woke up at 8am for classes that day, and ended up staying up until 8am Saturday morning watching all the VODs and starting to record Day 1's clips.

I go to bed at ~8:30am and wake up at 3pm to a message from Dashner saying the project has been scrapped for reasons I won't disclose - however, he was not the bad guy...things just didn't line up.

That afternoon was the moment when I told myself that I'm going to finish recording everything from the weekend and see where it takes me. I mean, I've recorded a third of the tournament, have all the Twitch Clips for reference, and the weekend off of work, so why not? I had slept through all of Day 2's matches at this point, so I started watching them at about 3:30pm. I clipped and recorded every single match from Day 2 in one sitting, and got done at 3:55am... when Day 3 matches were starting at 4am. So naturally, I decided to stay up and watch Day 3's matches live and clip them with everyone else. I ended up staying up until 11pm on Sunday recording clips and gathering the STVs demos (thanks tsc/fiyahstorm/beta/etc).

I woke up on Monday morning, went to class, and then sorted through all the STVs and uploaded the pack you see on TFTV - I was really happy with how quickly I uploaded it, even if there are some small errors in there. Afterwards, I spent the next 3 weeks working on the editing, which included having to re-record a handful of clips and extra angles, re-doing a set of smooths at least 4 times, and making sure I got everyone's team name/alias right. Shoutouts to everyone in the TFTV slack who helped me there. After 3 weeks of hard work, I released the movie.

The last inspiring bit of the story was the timing of its release.

I had the news post ready to go and got the OK to put it on the frontpage. I had class in about 30 minutes at the time of the release, and I was planning to go to class expecting the thread to get a decent response, but nothing else. Sideshow was streaming and someone linked him the thread he started watching it live 5 minutes after the thread was made. I ended up tuning-in in time and watched his reactions and the reactions of his chat throughout the whole movie. They all loved it, lots of PogChamps, etc. - but the best part of it all was that I chose to be there (and be late for class, haha). Seeing Sideshow and his chat laugh at the ending funny bit with craters/self-dets, and praising me for the smooths that were made - that was what made the initial release so meaningful. Through the next few weeks, I got praise from all kinds of players from just about every region/country...includuing some of my editor idols, which was truly surreal.

The i58 movie and the amount of hours I put into was/is the highest point in my video editing career thus far - I gave it all the effort I had, and I believe it showed. My editing style fully was fleshed out, the smooths were absolutely perfect, and it motivated me to jump into real life photography/videography, which is insanely tough in my opinion. (@adverse_works on twitter/instagram if you care)

In short, I took i58 weekend off of work, ended up staying up 24 hours straight, sleeping for 8 hours, and then staying up another 30 hours straight for the beginnings of the i58 movie. Sorted through the STVs 2 days after the event, and then spent 3 weeks straight editing. The release of the movie was huge because Sideshow watched it live with his chat and everyone loved it. I then promptly left the TF2 scene knowing that I wouldn't have the time to do anything like this ever again. :(

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Best Memory? in Off Topic

Releasing the i58 movie. The story behind its creation (that many don't know about) makes all the smooths and song/editing style choices mean so much more. The clips were amazing, and everything flowed together better than I expected. The end result was exactly what I envisioned, and its positive reception by everyone (of all regions/skill and whatnot) really drove it home as my favorite moment of my time in the TF2 community.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Stepping down from TFTV in Off Topic

Big ups to you for all the stuff you've done - I hope to see you more often than once every 8 months :P

Keep working on the music, and I hope you put that MPC to good use! (I still have that dollar haha)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Highlight: bl4nk vs. Street Hoops eSports in Videos


posted about 8 years ago
#9 Highlight: alle & Drackk vs. EVL Gaming in Videos

Drackk's frags on upper of gullywash look familiar. :D

Great editing citro, the progress is starting to show! Keep it up!

posted about 8 years ago
#67 What's the reasoning behind your alias? in Off Topic

I originally went by rj (my first name) but changed it to emkay because I kept getting mixed up with RJ of Speedy Cheetahs when I made the move into 6v6. I picked emkay because I liked the song by Bonobo, and already knew of the iM bonobo so I had to think of something else. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Taking a Break (Quitting, I guess) in Off Topic

Farewell, Kevin. Thank you for letting me contribute to the numerous charity events, streams, and newbie mixes you've ran throughout the past few years. I wish you well in everything!

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization

This looks pretty nifty, although I have a few questions.

Does it replace the use of Cinema 4D altogether, or simply make it easier? How is this different than smoothing with the in-game tool? Can you use STVs and POVs? Can you export your smooth as a separate demo?

I look forward to checking it out!

posted about 8 years ago
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