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Country Pirate
Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted September 11, 2024 at 1:30 AM
Posts 1368 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.85
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Keyboard Noppoo Choc Mini
Mousepad Steelseries QcK Heavy
Headphones Xiaomi Pistons 2.0 MK301
Monitor BenQ XL2410T
1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 87
#10 ESEA Season 12 LAN Announced in News
mustardoverlordare there any cs players who are on both a lan 1.6/source and a lan go team

I wanna see how that works lol


that's the entire reason they changed all CS tournaments to single elim

posted about 12 years ago
#27 Intel LANFest Sacramento (OCT 26-28) in LAN Discussion
benefitdo they have this in sacramento each year? i want to save up and go next year

twice a year -- spring and fall

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Profile name change? in Site Discussion
hookyAliasing is already enough of a problem in-game. We don't need it here.

i was thinking this but i'm going to open up a request forum for adding streams/articles/whatever else and if you want i'll change it on a case-by-case basis

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Remove Recruitment Threads from latest threads in Site Discussion

more than +15 on the original post and i'll do it

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Intel LANFest Sacramento (OCT 26-28) in LAN Discussion

you can pick seats starting at 8 PDT tonight

we're planning on taking the top right area again i think

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Classic Mixup vs. Leviathan Gaming on cp_process in Events
toothJust an FYI, the Stream bullet point links to tftv.com which does not exist. I know where the VOD will be but some people newer to this site may not.


posted about 12 years ago
#46 rr- quits nNn in News



posted about 12 years ago
#3 eXtv ESEA Invite cast: Mix^ vs LG in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#1 Classic Mixup vs. Leviathan Gaming on cp_process in Events


posted about 12 years ago
#1 new scheduling/events thing in TF2 General Discussion

gimme feedback pls

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Best at each class? in TF2 General Discussion

if you're familiar with ESEA you can grab STV demos of the top couple of teams and take a look at the players

any player is a solid bet


posted about 12 years ago
#3 Best at each class? in TF2 General Discussion

here's a really cool podcast that some cool dudes did yesterday about starting in this game:


posted about 12 years ago
#2 Help. in Q/A Help

move the demo into your tf/ folder
launch the game
in the console type

playdemo <demoname>
posted about 12 years ago
#8 Sub categorys in Site Discussion
MapleI hesitate to make a new thread for this suggestion, but what do you think of making a sub-forum for casting schedules? It seems like a lot of people have been posting threads in the general forum about how they're casting a match. It might be easier for people to notice and decide to watch the cast if they have all of the different options for casts and streams laid out side by side in their own little sub-forum. I know if I have some time on my hands (not as often as I'd like) I'll look to see if there are any games worth watching that night. It'd be neat to have one dedicated area to look at instead of trying to sift through different websites and threads. On the other hand, I don't know if there are enough of these threads to warrant its own section. And perhaps it's just me who has a problem seeing the casting threads in time.

i'm working on something better

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Progression: Moving a team to its second season in TF2 General Discussion
milehighmilitiaI think its really important to establish mutual understanding within the team about where the team is headed and what people should expect.

very solid advice

it's crucial that every member of the team has the same level of motivation and goals in mind

posted about 12 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 87