UGC's highlander season just ended
ESEA starts up again next week
i46 starts in two weeks
you'll probably see actual TF2 streaming ramp up in the coming weeks
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | |
SteamID3 | |
SteamID32 | |
Country | Pirate |
Signed Up | June 18, 2012 |
Last Posted | September 11, 2024 at 1:30 AM |
Posts | 1368 (0.3 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 2.85 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
450 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144 Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | ZOWIE FK |
Keyboard | Noppoo Choc Mini |
Mousepad | Steelseries QcK Heavy |
Headphones | Xiaomi Pistons 2.0 MK301 |
Monitor | BenQ XL2410T |
UGC's highlander season just ended
ESEA starts up again next week
i46 starts in two weeks
you'll probably see actual TF2 streaming ramp up in the coming weeks
frkn1. Tape fix
2. V61 firmware @500Hz or higher
tape fix doesn't work but the firmware fixes LOD. the sensor placement also makes the mouse feel weird.
the real dealbreaker is the malfunction speed though
potThe tf2.pug bot was broken. I'm fine with the bot until that one is in working condition.
wasn't the purpose of a new bot to ensure that everyone who wanted to play, could play?
what's the point of two channels running the identical bot?
where was the vote?
1 more for scout vs solider perhaps?
Bandit1379Is there no way for streamers to prevent the site from picking up their stream when not streaming TF2?
i could, but plenty of people (myself included) enjoy watching streaming personalities do other stuff
if it really bothers you, you can check for a thumbnail preview and the game streamers are playing
people play other games from time to time??
eXtineThanks for saving those enigma. My best journalistic work at CommFT... You did miss one q/a break on
good catch
disengageIt seems way too easy to get nerdstars. In gotfrag you had to work for that shit
i'll recalibrate them ltr
Jeekathis place can't be gotfrag if i can't friend users and post my tinyurl link in my signature
user profiles sigs etc sooon
knhud is a great alternative to m0re's
k subforum made
i can vouch for all the stuff craig said. a 2 PC setup is harder to configure but well worth the effort if you want to avoid all of the performance impacts streaming has on your game.
well i nuked his threads a bunch of times and he just kept remaking them
heard rumors of the 3 invite players/team rule being lifted
unbelievably stupid rule to begin with imo