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Signed Up February 19, 2014
Last Posted February 21, 2014 at 8:52 AM
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#19 AFLAN.SG casters HELP? in TF2 General Discussion

I like screaming. haha..

what's your steam? So I can add you :)

posted about 11 years ago
#17 AFLAN.SG casters HELP? in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys, thank you so much for the respond. Thanks Extine for the email.

AndKennethYo I'm keen but still need to check the dates for me and my staff. Technical wise, all we need is a publicly accessible STV relay and contact with an admin at the event. It's really important that this is sorted early and all firewalling issues are run through the technical staff.

Someone important add me and we can sort through the details.

Hi AndKenneth, I've added you to my steam, we can probably discuss directly through there. The online phase for Round 1 and Round 2 upper bracket would be from the 7th March onwards. The LAN will be on 22nd of March, which is a Saturday, from 10am to 10pm gmt8. I will also be an admin for the day itself, so if anything, you can talk to me.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 AFLAN.SG casters HELP? in TF2 General Discussion

we are starting at 10am gmt+8

posted about 11 years ago
#1 AFLAN.SG casters HELP? in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys, I'm from

We are finally holding our first Asiafortress LAN Singapore this March 22nd, by Double Elimination rounds, we are running our first and second round online from March 7th, due to space issue, and we are looking into getting casters to cast. I've ran a thread for suggestions who the community would like to see casting the games and they are keen on seeing Extine, Admirable or Greaver.TV cast the online games. Unfortunately I can't bring them down on the day itself, maybe they can cast via online with our local?

It would be great if you can give some suggestion on some of the casters you have knowledge of.

posted about 11 years ago