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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted December 9, 2015 at 3:14 PM
Posts 342 (0.1 per day)
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#11 Cyber Monday Sales in Hardware is not available


Domain: - New
Package: Power Plan
Period: 12 Months - $8.95/mo $10.00/YEAR + FREE Setup

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Cyber Monday Sales in Hardware

Gizmodo Guide (Click on Banners to see best deals per website)

Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB:

SanDisk Extreme SSD 120 GB:

Logitech G19 Keyboard:

Targus Universal Laptop Charger: (w/ USB port to charge devices simultaneously)

$10 for a year of professional hosting from InMotion Hosting: (add domain name for $12)

Mediocre discounts on headphones:
(Get $100 giftcard for $75 with promo code: dealzmodo)

posted about 12 years ago
#28 YouMustMike looking in Recruitment (looking for team)
bscabove average


posted about 12 years ago
#35 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion

why are people telling them they need to care as much as others?

these guys and gal just hang out and shoot shit. let them do as they please

posted about 12 years ago
#141 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion
brownymasterWhy would you sort by total deaths instead of deaths per minute? Anyone who reached the minimum games to get ranked will be at the top.

i sorted that 1st but I was at 20 (seemed too large to crop since it needed the "Label" row). so i checked pure deaths and it was half the size.

posted about 12 years ago
#50 LAN MVP Vote in TF2 General Discussion

how does Hero not get a mention in playing well? he went fucking nuts for his 1st esea lan. i noticed him more than i noticed tagg. not to say tagg didnt do well too.

u cant say B4nny was MVP when this is what he does each and everytime

Ruwin was prolly mvp

posted about 12 years ago
#122 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordmofucka you die so much in game that your name is eulogy

posted about 12 years ago
#119 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordwin-win-win (I win too for writing this post)

good joke

ur alias calls for a default loss...

posted about 12 years ago
#115 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion

Dont Stand needs an avatar, i present these options:

posted about 12 years ago
#18 eXtv's Open National Anthem in TF2 General Discussion

for your enjoyment.. the lyrics:
sitting in mumble
no one will talk though
our silence will say a lot of things
where have the times gone
scrimming was so fun
once was the best part of our day

i know its hard to remember
the team that we use to be
chilling for hours in mumble
in dm or mge
you said you're done for the season
you said you needed a break
we had to let you go now
all of our starters are gone

we scrimmed every night
had some pretty good fights
now we're saying good bye
still stuck in that time
when we lost that match
but if we give up we'll never be invite

im here in mumble
no one will comm though
all of these words we'll never say
we were once brothers
now we're blaming each other
nobody really wants to play

if synergy really did exist
we would still be playing with our six
all those pretty words are full of shit
another dead team just makes me sick

we're winning all of our scrims
but we always lost in our match
everyone blames each other
talking behind their backs
you can't expect a good season
I don't expect you stay
if you just blame the others
and never watch your own play

we scrimmed every night
fingers point left and right
now we're saying good bye
still stuck in that time
when we lost that match
but if we give up
we'll never be invite

I'm here in mumble
no one will comm though
all of these words we'll never say
we were once brothers
now we're blaming each other
nobody really wants to play

if synergy really did exist
we would still be playing with our six
all those pretty words are full of shit
another a dead team just wanna quit
forever in open

Fixed a few that seemed off for you... thanks for this though

posted about 12 years ago
#14 eXtv's Open National Anthem in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 12 years ago
#67 L-BLOCK in Off Topic

posted about 12 years ago
#6 My reaction to getting a triple airshot in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#93 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion
jerryjigglerStill can't believe that people are actually holding shruggers bad lan performance as a testament to his skill/how he will perform at the next lan. He was a boss b4 going to lan. He was just off his game at that one event.

it will blow over in time.. look at blaze for a reference. i love you tyler #T4S

posted about 12 years ago
#5 possibly looking to med in Recruitment (looking for team)

chill dude who makes the mumble environment entertaining to say the least. deserves a shot

posted about 12 years ago
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