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Country Lebanon
Signed Up May 27, 2013
Last Posted November 16, 2017 at 11:12 PM
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#3 Good Microphones/Headphone combos in Hardware

thank you

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Good Microphones/Headphone combos in Hardware

looking for recommendations for a new headphone+mic combo

Budget is 100 USD,
Currently on my mind are ATH M30Xs, but I don't know a good microphone that fits into my budget as well.
If there are any better combos within the pricerange that would be rad too

posted about 7 years ago
#21 I HATE ANIME in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 7 years ago
#9 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

100% woke
█▀─────────W O K E ───────────────▀█

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Valentimes Competition in TF2 General Discussion
eatbabiesmmg00dsmesisurprised no one has mentioned mae/froot yetmae + froot



posted about 8 years ago
#142 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion

NINJAed im stupid

SpaceCadetmaelstramSpaceCadetSeason 21 -- 2 SB teams out of 58

1- strolling astronomers

the only one who you could argue was sandbagging back then was crispy...

also half the team was playing in their first season of esea iirc

I believe you are looking at the wrong roster. The roster that finished the playoffs for season 21 had Desca, Zilly and Purpleshirt playing in the finals. All of those guys had significant enough experience in Invite and IM to be considered sandbagging.

original strolling astronomers are not sandbagging at all, they lost their first playoff match and took yompies roster in 22.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Esea semi-pro Bloominator banned for pedophilia in Off Topic

He played in the past with shroud, pinekone, glowstick, and flom on exertus in like 2014 iirc

posted about 8 years ago
#55 how do i stop being sad all the time in Off Topic
4812622my theory is that every shitposter is a lonely, depressed, attention-seeking nerd or they would spend their time doing literally anything else

depression has varying levels, its not a no, i am happy, or yes, i think about hanging myself every day

try taking a test https://www.psycom.net/depression-test/

I don't recommend visiting an online website for any real diagnosis of mental illnesses or issues, because people can develop mindsets or mentalities that can be exaggerated and/or not accurate at all.

6 months ago I went to a therapist and told her about my life and how I felt, about a lot of individual issues while answering her questions and after the hour she told me I have minor depression and recommended trying to be heavily involved in a routine(i.e. getting a job or being in class), exercising, eating a healthier diet, etc. The visit was free, and I felt comfortable that a certified therapist went ahead and let me just express locked up feelings and give me input, and thanks to her I'm comfortable saying I'm in a much better place now than before.

tldr; dont trust tests on the internet, because every individual is unique and you can be exaggerating or not recognizing your situation based on a test online, even if it's backed by multiple psych companies

also im pretty sure Elliott made this thread with post-post ironic intent with a dash of realness

posted about 8 years ago

That's not fusion that's polymerization.
Fusion would be the archetype of the new TM iphone7 from combining the two phones.
Please appropriate your fukin memes.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 potential graphics card issue? in Hardware

doesnt look like it's a DVI issue

posted about 8 years ago
#1 potential graphics card issue? in Hardware

I've had pc issues lately, and after replacing my PSU from a 500W to a 600W unit, I've been getting a completely new issue. Whenever I boot up games like cs:go, dark souls 3, or even hearthstone my monitor wont display anything and will give me error messages like "OUT OF RANGE" or "DVI NOT FOUND". I don't think it's the monitor or DVI cable since the monitor and the cable are both like two months old, and looking at the power when my monitor turns black I still see a light on, indicating my graphics card is still getting power. My graphics card is a GTX 760 and I've had it for 4 years.

Is this a graphics card issue and if so is there a way to fix it other than replacing it.

Thanks in advance

posted about 8 years ago
#59 trump's muslim ban in World Events
Nub_Danishfen_cant wait to not see my family for an extended duration of time god blesswhy not go to Lebanon to see them?

I'm 100% Syrian. My parents are 100% syrian. My grandpa that I havent seen for 6 years(aka when the war has started) was applying for a visa at that time. At this point even if his visa gets accepted it won't matter. My grandma has a green card here that is legal yet I fear that they would nullify it or something because of this act.

My parents visited our family by traveling to Lebanon and having someone pick them up from the airport in Beirut, but I think that even if they or I did now we would be heavily questioned on our flight back from a Mid-East country, especially with the government knowing that my parents are both immigrants from Syria.

Those are my main concerns with this executive order and I just have wanted this idiotic war to have never existed, I visited my family every summer and Syria was my second home, it's a fair bit of who I am, and now more of that may be ruined.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 trump's muslim ban in World Events

cant wait to not see my family for an extended duration of time god bless

posted about 8 years ago
#6 def jam FFNY in Other Games

I wanna see snoop dogg roundhousing in 4k or else im disappointed

posted about 8 years ago
#32 cars in Off Topic
trippalightning mcqueen dies in cars 3


posted about 8 years ago
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