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Last Posted March 8, 2013 at 12:31 PM
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#49 kill me in TF2 General Discussion

You actually live in Germantown Lange? I grew up in Germantown, it's.....okay.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 -tlr- server in TF2 General Discussion
JessikaJungBlurrTop Notch clan still has one west mge serverThe Top Notch server is fine, but they allowed players to play as any class, so in a way it's a good thing, but also a bad thing. But the worst thing is spawns... Sometimes, you'll spawn in "space" and in order to get out you have to suicide, sometimes you'll be trapped 4 times in a row. Which sucks a lot, especially in maps like endif/no splash/ammomod.

I'm an admin for TN (though I do not run the servers). We're aware of the spawn glitch, it happened after we updated MGE and it seems to be a known issue:

We've tried a few things, notably downgrading SM since it seems like a problem with the teleport event, but to no avail. So for now we're just waiting on a fix to the MGE plugin itself based on that thread. I know it's a pain in the ass, but hopefully it'll be fixed eventually.

As far as the all-class thing....yeah, I hear you. I've tried to convince the server operator to put restrictions back into place but he never did. I'll try and bug him again.

Sorry for hijacking the thread. I am a fan of the TLR servers and sad to see them go. :(

posted about 12 years ago
#17 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
I think Bape was roaming around in #tf2mix yesterday. It might have been pug.na, so I can't remember exactly. But that's fine though, him and Mike both deserve to be banned from playing. I apologize, Think, and anyone others who see this that were on our team. I thought he was YouMustMike and I was wrong.

He was, I was in a pug with him yesterday, he was aliasing. I won't name other names here but I was in what amounted to be a pretty worthless pug because two or three guys on my team were just trolling and off classing.

I'm glad kirby brought it up because I'm a relatively new 6's player. I'm not *completely* new and I know the basics so #tf2mix is pretty much the best option for me. I love that it's available and thankful to cinq, but for some reason the last week or so, I have had more troll pugs than real pugs.

It's awesome that some higher-level players play in #tf2mix because a lot of them are really helpful but it seems like some people just play there because they know the level of play is going to be lower and it allows them to fuck around and more or less be a tool with the newer players. It's extremely unhelpful to players like me who are actually playing to get better. I scrim when I can but there's still a lot for me to learn and a pug where everybody is trying would still teach me a lot.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I love #tf2mix, I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. I think the report feature would help a lot, whatever else can be done to curb the amount of trolls would be awesome. I know a lot of them don't really think it's a big deal and they're just having fun, but it is often at the expense of a newer player who is trying to improve.

EDIT: To be clear what I mean by offclassing is not standard offclassing but rather shit like running two pyros at mid and giggling like girls while doing it.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Newbie Mixes in Events

It was a great time, thanks to everyone who played and coached! I learned a lot.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Newbie Mixes in Events

Is there actually a mix happening tonight? I joined up and some people were pugging I guess but no actual newbie mix. :-\

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Anybody at PDXLAN this weekend? in LAN Discussion

I'm here, wondering if there are any other TF2 comp players!

posted about 12 years ago
#29 Suggestion to the UGC HL league in TF2 General Discussion
UbiquitousWhy not just have the plat matches happen an hour later? So everyone else can finish their matches and then watch the plat people play? Then it becomes more of an event. People will finish their games and want to watch how the plat players did it and what they did the same or differently than their team

I really like this idea -- you have a ton of people playing highlander at the same time on Mondays anyway, why not just push the upper-tier matches back an hour? Would definitely be more of an event and I can see a lot of teams watching the streams together in mumble.

posted about 12 years ago