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SteamID64 76561198083505031
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:61619651
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up May 31, 2020
Last Posted November 23, 2024 at 12:49 PM
Posts 201 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 14
#41 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion

Sprite demo in his prime

posted about 2 years ago
#32 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#9 My idea for fixing 5cp in competitive 6s in TF2 General Discussion

my friend lupus had an idea:

Vsŭshtnost imam ideya kak da premakhna napŭlno taĭmauta (izvesten oshte kato ostavashtoto vreme v igra s 5cp, sled kato otborŭt povede s 4-0, naprimer ostavashti 3 minuti ili neshto podobno). Neka vsyaka granichna tochka vi dade nabor ot tochki za tazi konkretna karta. Obyasnenieto mi e malko dŭlgo, sŭzhalyavam za koeto.

osnovni pravila:
Primer 1: Ogranichavaneto na srednata lenta vi dava 1 tochka prez pŭrvoto poluvreme (zashtoto ne e prinadlezhala na nikogo predi) > Otvoyuva srednata lenta na vrazheskiya otbor vi dava 2 tochki > Ako vragŭt prodŭlzhi da natiska i vzeme vtorata i/ili poslednite tochki, vzemete 2 tochki.
Primer 2: Zagubenoto poluvreme i/ili vtoro shte poluchi 2 tochki za napredvane i vŭzstanovyavane na tochki, prinadlezhashti na protivnikoviya otbor.
Polovin tochka bez kapachka = struva 1 tochka
Vsichki blokirani vrazheski tochki = 2 tochki na stoĭnost
Vinagi zabranen ot klas = Shpioni i snaĭperisti vinagi sa na koyato i da e ot 5-te tochki.
Ogranicheni izvŭnklasni = tezhki ili inzhenerni (ne i dvete), dokato ostavate posledni (napr. ako nyakoĭ v ​​inzhiniringa premine kŭm tezhŭk, togava e dobre i obratnoto)

Sega si predstavete tova: vseki otbor igrae do 50 tochki (chislata mogat da se promenyat, tova e samo pŭrvoto neshto, koeto idva na um), vseki otbor zapochva na 0 dekemvri ili otborŭt s naĭ-mnogo tochki sled 30-minutna igra, da rundŭt vse oshte shte ima 5-minuten taĭmer za nulirane, no ako vie ste napadatelyat i ne uspeete da izlezete ot vtoriya ili posledniya v ramkite na 5 minuti, atakuvashtiyat otbor shte poluchi 1 tochka i kartata shte se nulira. Obiknoveno se nastroĭva, kogato taĭmerŭt za runda izteche .

Tova shte reshi dve neshta, khorata veche nyama da si pozvolyavat da sa na dŭnoto ili pone da se razocharovat, osven ako ne sa mnogo napred i mogat da si pozvolyat zaguba ot 2 tochki i v igra, koyato obiknoveno zavŭrshva 3-0 ili 3-0 , Vremeto za izchakvane poveche ili po-malko shte izchezne 4-0, syakash se natiskate ot bryag do bryag na kartata (i ste blokirani v kraya), koeto oznachava, che shte imate 8 tochki v kraya na kartata.

Sega tova e neshto, koeto iznikna v glavata mi, dokato zakusvakh, no tŭĭ kato nie (ETF2L) shte bŭdem v susha ot 6 sekundi prez sledvashtite nyakolko mesetsa, predlagam da mi izpratite sŭobshtenie kak shte izglezhda tova (promeneno). Rabotete, ako e vŭzmozhno, za sŭzdavane na sŭrvŭrna konfiguratsiya za tezi pravila.

Vsyakakvi predlozheniya za tova kak da se razraboti tazi sistema shte bŭdat otseneni.

posted about 2 years ago
#17 etiquette of "gg" in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#18 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion

24 hr stream starts 14 cest today

posted about 2 years ago
#51 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#34 favorite teammate in TF2 General Discussion

Jeven99 for allowing a season of aids to go unrewarded and single handedly losing my team every point in the season.
You will always have a special place in my heart.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Venomcrest Pythons slither into Prem in News


posted about 2 years ago
#16 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion

GOAL#1 NOW LIVE- https://www.twitch.tv/flick_56

posted about 2 years ago
#11 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion
harishawara in a maid costume what the fuck how did u get so low

After much deliberation we have decided that it might be fucked up and we dont want to go that low. As a result we will be trying to think of other goals and will take any suggestions into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago
#8 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion
yak404Flick you have 140 hours past two weeks.

Please get a job

All in preparation for the 24h stream...

posted about 2 years ago
#1 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion


The league of shadows is planning on attending the RCADIA lan in Germany. The ultimate goal is to achieve a podium spot at lan and continue to improve as a team and hopefully attend many more in the future. The fundraiser will be used to help cover the team's costs. These include expenses for travel, hotel, tickets and rentals. Any help is much appreciated.

Our Estimated Costs:
flick: £400
june: £350
zoey: £500
frenchies: £1400

We are looking to raise £500. We are confident we can provide some worthwhile incentives to tempt our many fans.

£50- flick streams a night of scrims
£100- flick 24h stream
£250- ronz drunk face cam stream (1 shot per airshot in pug and every double in mge)
£300- flick streams a night of scrims where the frenchies only speak french
£500- june maid costume

Perks that can be claimed:
£5-item signing from a player of your choice
£15- A 1 on 1 demo review from a player of your choice


If you choose to donate, please provide us with your discord tag along with the incentive you are claiming.

posted about 2 years ago
#71 Fly high milkytf in TF2 General Discussion

my deepest condolences go out to the family, i can't imagine what they must be going through rn. rest in peace

posted about 2 years ago
#32 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#8982 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
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