KonceptSo my deathadder (chroma) has seen better days in many ways and I'm unsure if I should try and stick it out with it until the true end of its life or if I should get a zowie ec1-a or HyperX pulsefire FPS and start using that as my main mouse.- My mouse3 click seems to never register, and this has been the case for about a year now. I used to have my reload key for overwatch and CSGO on mouse3 (yes I know that I'm weird for putting it there but that felt right to me) and I eventually had to put it on one of my side mouse buttons
- Many spots on the mouse have worn down from extended use and the oils from my hand, but my side grips seem to have not a lot of actual grip, seemingly from general wear and extended use. The one on the right side of the mouse also seems to be coming loose from the shell, and if I run my fingers from the middle of it to the back with a bit of pressure, the grip can start to slide off at the back
- I'm unsure if my hands have just gotten larger or if the shape of the deathadder is no longer a good mouse shape for my hand but I have had a few instances where I have felt a slight bit of wrist strain after lots of use. It hasn't been frequent, but maybe once every 4-5 months I've experienced this pain. It's not unbearable, but if getting a larger mouse will help solve this problem for me I'll happily change what I'm using as my day to day mouse.
I've tried the g403 before and oddly enough it felt a bit too small for my liking, so that ruled it out of my future potential mice. Also,the ec1-a that I got a while back had left and right clicks that were far too stiff for my liking and the side buttons felt just awful and cheap. However, I've since heard that they've updated these versions, fixing the too tight left and right buttons and making the side buttons not feel as flimsy and cheap. I loved the shape of it so much more than my deathadder and would love to use it again, but I'm unsure if getting a larger mouse like the HyperX pulsefire (for reasons mentioned above) will help me avoid occasional wrist strain, I'll be more than willing to give up getting an ec1-a for it.
Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated if anyone has experience playing with both the pulsefire and ec1-a
I mean if you really want a mouse that feels big you could try the mionix naos 7000.
Your wrist strains could be due to you using your wrist to much, over your arm whilst gaming, as well as using a sensitivity that's to high. Here's an interesting article on it: http://www.criticalhit.net/gaming/dr-levi-harrison-talks-mouse-sensitivity-gaming-rsi/