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Signed Up May 29, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM
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#7 4's Hud Editor in Customization
ScootaLewisHuh. This thing made Avira go nuts. Can someone confirm that it's clean?

A friend of mine had the same problem with Avira but only with the updater. I'm not sure why, the only thing it does is downloading the actual tool and starting it :/
Avira is not the best antivirus software and I guess a small tool that downloads something is enough for it to qualify the tool as a virus. It works fine with Kaspersky, here is a screenshot of the scan link.

ScootaLewisIn the event that I do use this (which is certainly possible), could someone teach me how to add a quickplay button to HUDAS Iscariote?

It's not really a clean fix but I changed the 6v6 and the 16v16 scoreboard buttons into a quickplay and a scoreboard toggle button.


        "label" "Quickplay"
        "command" "quickplay"
        "subimage" "glyph_practice"
        "OnlyAtMenu" "0"
        "label" "Scoreboard Switch"
        "command" "engine incrementvar cl_hud_minmode 0 1 1"
        "subimage" "glyph_practice"
        "OnlyAtMenu" "0"
posted about 11 years ago
#1 4's Hud Editor in Customization

Hey, this is my HUD editor! Huge thanks go to Quartz who helped me with everything hud related :)

- Syntax Highlighting!
- Launch TF2 with various settings!
- Launch TF2 embedded ("hooked") in the editor!
- Reload the HUD with a hot-key in the editor itself!
- Search through the filenames!
- Open Source

Editor with TF2 embedded:

Launch Presets Settings:



Steam Group:
steam group!

Tips/Getting started:
You can launch TF2 with this bar:

F5 will reload the hud in tf2, F6 brings 4Hud and TF2 to the front.
If you have 4Script in the same folder as 4Hud (or at least a valid 4Script.Settings), 4Hud will use the information from that file to load a map list + more.

You might have to add "-full -preload" to your default stat parameters.

I kept this post pretty short, I hope that it will work as an introduction.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 HUD / CFG / ETC section in Site Discussion

Thank you <3

posted about 11 years ago
#53 future of hud editing? in Customization
OCTANEcould someone explain me all these positioning rules please?

24 pixels from the left:

"xpos"    "24"

24 pixels from the right:

"xpos"    "r-24"

24 pixels right from the center:

"xpos"    "c24"

That's mainly how it works, the Regular Expression "(l|r|c|t|b)?-?\d+" just describes every possible value for xpos/ypos.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 future of hud editing? in Customization
brownymasterKudos to having the patience to rewrite all the positioning rules. Unless you found another way to emulate the rules, in which case you're amazing.

What do you mean? Do you mean highlighting of positions? In that case it highlights the regex matches of


, so "l20", "r-34" and so on will be highlighted correctly!

posted about 11 years ago
#46 future of hud editing? in Customization

I'll make a public beta soon :)

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Defrag TF2 in Q/A Help

The steam browser protocol is extremely useful but you can't launch games with parameters :/

posted about 11 years ago
#13 pls in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#39 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
TreshSo i put it in my program files/steam/steamapps/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/mystuff/cfg but it goes to the default cfg file located in program files/steam/steamapps/Team Fortress 2/tf.

That's because 4Script automaticly adds the tf/custom/cfg folder as a game if you don't have any. You can change that by clicking on the dropdown with the tf2 symbol -> Edit game list.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
TreshI placed the 4script updater in my program files/steam/steamapps/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom

Is this the correct place or is it somewhere else?

Place it in the folder you want the editor in. Desktop, TF2 folder, anywhere.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

.:Update v4.1:.
- Added Theme System
- Added Dark Theme
- Added Macros just for the sake of it being easy to implement
- New Layout for the Settings menu + new Blacklist editor

- Removed the search/replace bar at the bottom since it it somehow broken :/ (4Script now uses the fctb search/replace dialog)
- Made the fastColoredTextBox binary compatible with my (yet not released) Hud Editor
- Fixed 4Script restarting after an update even if the Restart button wasn't pressed

dark theme:

posted about 11 years ago
#42 future of hud editing? in Customization
Goat_fourThis tool looks weird and not useful at all to me. I don't think that I will implement that :SMay seem weird to you, but as I am editing all sorts of HUDs for other people atm this tool is actually usefull ;)

Well, I'll throw it in when I can find a cheap way to implement it :P

Don't expect a lot of effort from me tho :)

posted about 11 years ago
#40 future of hud editing? in Customization
reddare you considering adding something like this for comparing hud files?

This tool looks weird and not useful at all to me. I don't think that I will implement that :S

posted about 11 years ago
#37 future of hud editing? in Customization
whayayI know that you included a "replace all" in 4Script (and I assume the code between these two programs will be similar), but that seems to bug out with large files like the autoexec unfortunately.

I never noticed it bugging out/not working. The editor itself has a replace dialog that should work. If the replace all function in 4Hud doesn't work then try enabling the "Use a Search/Replace Popup" in the Settings :/

I'm gonna look over that later. I've also always wanted to make a global find/replace dialog but never had time for that.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 future of hud editing? in Customization
BenroadsAre you able to make it reload the game quickly for mainmenu/clientscheme changes?

There are probably some other start parameters like "-nopreload" that speed up the loading process for huds but arn't useful in normal gaming!

posted about 11 years ago
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