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Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM
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#24 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

.: Update v3 :.

- added auto-completion :D
- improved the toggle function of loops
- the settings editor now automaticly aplies changes
- fixed minor issues

note that the auto-completion allows all commands found on the valve developer site + newer ones from the tf2 changelog

posted about 11 years ago
#22 CFGs - HELP! in Q/A Help

I copied your code and cleaned it up, maybe that'll solve the problem.

alias +uber "+attack2; dropitem; say_team UBER POPPED!"
alias -uber "-attack2"

alias +radar "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 150"
alias -radar "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 75"

bind MOUSE4 "+radar"
bind MOUSE2 "+uber"
bind x "voicemenu 1 7; say_team say_team Uber faked, No we don't have one"
bind z "voicemenu 0 0; say_team Uber Ready!"
posted about 11 years ago
#318 yahud in Customization

I think I like the white one more :3

posted about 11 years ago
#10 TF2 commands worth being autocompleted in TF2 General Discussion

I just noticed that the control I'm using has an incredible performance so I'll just use ever command available.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 TF2 commands worth being autocompleted in TF2 General Discussion
megawacthe editor I use has a plugin called All-autocomplete which will match words from all open files. Its the greatest thing - try to port it

If you mean what I said above and what's shown above (automatically using aliases as autocompletions) then I already implemented it :D

Tell me if you mean something else

posted about 11 years ago
#5 TF2 keeps remembering active weapon between lives in Q/A Help

^ the one up there

posted about 11 years ago
#6 TF2 commands worth being autocompleted in TF2 General Discussion

The insert url dialog is terrible

posted about 11 years ago
#1 TF2 commands worth being autocompleted in TF2 General Discussion

As you may know I made a program called 4Script and now I am about to add dynamic autocomplete.

Aliases written by the user are automatically added to the list. Now my question is which commands should be autocompleted?

All commands that would show up in the tf2 console? All source engine commands?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 TF2's chatbox in TF2 General Discussion

Alternatively you could use a hud that sets the text position to the top, it's way less annoying there.

posted about 11 years ago
#309 yahud in Customization

Anyone should be able to make his favorite hud with this many customizations!

posted about 11 years ago
#3 4's Script Setup/Collection in TF2 General Discussion
atmoYou have to put the http:// prefix in when using the [ url ] tag.

I didn't even have enough text left to write the full link :P
I had to remove something else

posted about 11 years ago
#1 4's Script Setup/Collection in TF2 General Discussion

Since I've a kinda advanced script setup I decided to post here what I scripted and what I does.

Zoom with viewmodel enable/disable
Normally if you write a zoom script like this it would simply change the value of r_drawviewmodel which wouldn't allow you to turn fully viewmodels off because unzooming would reset them. So I wrote this alternative.

//Use viewmOn and viewmOff instead of r_drawviewmodel 1/0
//Use viewmT to toggle between both
alias viewmOn "alias viewmT viewmOff; alias viewmA r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmA"
alias viewmOff "alias viewmT viewmOn; alias viewmA r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmA"
alias viewmT "viewmOff;"
alias viewmA "r_drawviewmodel 1;"

//This is the zoom command + bind
alias +zoomt "fov_desired 70; r_drawviewmodel 0;"
alias -zoomt "fov_desired 90; viewmA;"
bind SHIFT "+zoomt"

Advanced weapon switch
I was annoyed that I always had to select the weapons in a specific order so I could select the right one with Q. I decided that always having that in mind keeps your attention away from the game for no reason so I wrote this to get an easier weapon switch. Put this into every classes's file or into clear.cfg if you use the class specific scripts toggle.

Pressing F will select slot 1. If slot 1 is already selected then slot 2.
Pressing E will select slot 3. If slot 3 is already selected then slot 2.

alias mw "mw2"
alias mw1 "alias mw mw2; slot1;"
alias mw2 "alias mw mw1; slot2;"

bind F "mw" //TF2 default would be Q but I like this one more
bind E "mw2; slot3" //normally 3 or something
//I bound Q to saying medic

With this script I don't even use the Mouse wheel anymore.

Advanced weapon switch (Spy)
On spy F will switch between slot1/slot3 instead of slot1 and slot2 and will disable viewmodels in slot 1. E will select the knife and holding MOUSE5 saps.

alias mw "mw2"
alias mw1 "alias mw mw2; slot1; viewmOff;"
alias mw2 "alias mw mw1; slot3; viewmOn;"
//Using viewmOff/viewmOn makes it fully compatible with the zoom script and will not reset viewmodels in slot1!
//If you don't want the viewmodel script above use r_drawviewmodel

alias +sap "slot2; +attack"
alias -sap "-attack; mw; mw;"

bind F "mw"
bind E "mw2"
bind MOUSE5 "+sap" //saps while holding this button

Change disguises selected weapon
This probably already exists a couple times but I'll post it anyways. It relies on the advanced weapon switch script.

bind 1 "+redis1"
bind 2 "+redis2"
bind 3 "+redis3"

alias +redis1 "slot1; lastdisguise;"
alias +redis2 "slot2; lastdisguise;"
alias +redis3 "slot3; lastdisguise;"
alias -redis1 "mw; mw;"
alias -redis2 "mw; mw;"
alias -redis3 "mw; mw;"

Class specific scripts toggle
I don't want my spy script to work on Randomizer servers. This is more of a setup than a single script. It allows you to toggle between executing class specific files or not.

So I put this in autoexec.cfg

alias adv "advOn"
alias advOn ""
alias advOff ""
alias advTOn "alias advT advTOff; alias adv advOn; setClass" //this enables scripts
alias advTOff "alias advT advTOn; alias adv advOff; setClass"//this disables scripts
alias advT "advTOff" //this toggles scripts

For the next step I recommend to use 4Script and batch add this to every class file:

alias setClass "exec {name}"
exec clear
alias advOn "exec {name}_adv"

You can also add this to every file with the class name insted of {name} but it's easier with 4Script. Then create a file called classname_adv.cfg and put the class specific code in there like this:

You don't need to create a class_adv.cfg if you don't need it. You can also put the class specific code into advOn alias of the class.
You can bind "bind 7 "advT"" to switch between both.

I hope these scripts can help you, cheers :3

posted about 11 years ago
#23 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
RakeJust a notion, you should make it so that when you batch-add to the end of file it writes it on a new line. At the moment it just writes it at the end of the last line, unless there is an empty line after that.

I changed that as well as some other minor things.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
Alfiewhat are loops and toggles?

A loop repeats an alias until you stop it again.
For example

alias loopStart "alias loopRedir loopDo; loopDo"
alias loopStop "alias loopRedir "
alias loopRedir "loopDo"
alias loopDo "code; wait 1; loopRedir"

loopStart would repeat the alias "loopDo" every frame.

A toggle means that the alias switches between two possible functions.

alias toggle1 "alias toggleT toggle2;"
alias toggle2 "alias toggleT toggle2;"
alias toggleT "toggle2"
bind A "toggleT"

The first time you press A toggle2 gets executed, the second time toggle1, then toggle2 again and so on.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
hooliAs soon as I open it it I get:

{error message}

I actually forgot to include a dll in the download :P
Sorry about that. .Net 2.0 should be installed by default on you PC.

posted about 11 years ago
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