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Last Posted April 15, 2020 at 2:11 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 123
#325 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
wareyafrknno healing except medicsdispensers???

i forgot ng is a class in tf2

but at least that isn't instant heals??? idk

posted about 11 years ago
#323 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Ruwini actually just imagined a world where all unlocks are allowed in 6s.

it would be fucking madness but imagine the increase in viewership and new interest from non competitive players. frankly, they don't understand why we only use vanilla loadouts on nearly all of our classes.

imagine a soldier who perfected the art of the beggar's bazooka jumping to mid super fast with gunboats to then blow up three people at process choke. that would suck to the the three people that just blew up but man that would be cool as fuck to spectate. you may think, "wow, that sounds stupid as fuck. i died instantly before the mid fight even started." well, guess what! mid fights now start even further back! put defensive stickies up at choke in preparation for the beggar's bazooka bomb or turn into giblets. go through three different entrances. there's now a choice for the medic between healing the soldier or the demo on round start. create counter-strategies, evolve and have more cards up your sleeve. imagine a world where instead of having two or three different rollouts per class we had two to three different rollouts per weapon. i've been playing the game since literally day one. i've been in competitive tf2 since it was born. it is getting a little stale and i think a change like this would be extremely difficult to adjust to at first but in the long run it would eliminate stalemates, there would be many more opportunities to make big plays or to just make plays your opposing team hasn't seen a thousand times before. you'll hear some top teams say "we're not worried about x team because we've seem them play and have played against them many times before." well, no longer! you can now bonk behind your enemies while your team pushes forward with a jarate/mad milk off uber push.

tl;dr i want to see some new crazy shit.

there would have to be limits

no stuns
no crits except kritzkrieg and headshots
no healing except medics

posted about 11 years ago
#313 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
ArxYou're right. Those sports have been played the same way for ages but they didn't always have a static rule set. In soccer the offside rule was added at a later date to prevent people from sitting around the opponent's goal waiting for a long ball to put in the back of the net. That was an adaptation on what was still a successful sport, simply to make the game better. It does happen.


The game is fine how it is (to play) but if we want it to grow, simply put... changes NEED to be made whether you like it or not. Going from 3000 viewers for a league final to 4000 viewers for a league final in the space of 2 years is not the kind of growth that large sponsors care about. We need to change our product, or be content with that we have now (as it's only going to get slightly bigger over a long period of time). Either way works with me.

I'm not going to disagree with this at all (because its true), however 6v6 tf2 has been changing. Class limits, have changed, they've been mostly static but double heavy was only banned 3 seasons ago? There have been unlocks, gunboats and escape plan have changed the role and effectiveness of the soldier, the pain train has allowed for new plays (I equip it for last pushes as roamer and jump onto last to get cap time, clear sticks, draw players in). Over the past several seasons, the metagame has become faster paced and more aggressive. I will certainly agree that it has been a while since there have been any significant changes, and that we could use faster/bigger changes. However, I just do not think that this is really what is holding tf2 back.

posted about 11 years ago
#300 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
With that being said, look at how much more popular football is than baseball. Football actually has different plays that can make a game interesting for the casual observer.

Look at the popularity of different esports. Going from most popular to least popular also lets you sort by the amount of variety and strategic depth of these games: Mobas>SC2>CS>>TF2.

If you dont think the problem is variety, then what do you think is the issue here? What is making dota so big and so much fun to watch at a high level that tf2 lacks?

IMO, football is so vastly more popular than baseball due to it's faster pace, not the variety it offers. Very few plays are anything other than basic runs or basic passing plays. There's few creative plays, getting the first down is usually just a matter of execution.

To me, kritz vs uber is equivalent to the variety of run/pass

And the answer to your question? I believe it is primarily due to the competetive formats of tf2 being completely different than pubs. And 6v6 in particular has a pretty high skill floor - throwing pubbers into a 6v6 game with no prior knowledge would be laughable.

Edit: Football isn't very fast paced including down time, but the plays themselves are extremely fast and exciting. And the down time between allows for suspense, analysis, predictions, etc. Too many of baseballs pitches end in a strike, foul, ball, or easy pop fly out.

posted about 11 years ago
#296 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Lucky_PierrefrknWhy does everybody keep acting like this is a problem? This is inherent to almost all competition. Ever watched a soccer game? How often do you see new never before seen plays? Hardly ever. It's all about execution. Same with all sports. Football probably has the most "new" plays, due to the nature of running a specific play every down, but even then they are few and far between, much like tf2. How much of CS:GO is crazy new strats instead of just fine tuning execution?
Actually with soccer you do get radical changes to tactics and plays over time :

Keeping with the soccer analogy 6's is like the 5-a-side to soccers main game. The problem as Valve sees it (as far as I can see) is that that the 'main' game is treated as a kick around in the park with jumpers as goal posts and the 5-a-side game is the super serious thing. They want to turn that kick around in the park into the competitive game. Which will still have knock on benefits for 6's... everyone is a winner.

I don't disagree with your original point, but I think this is how Valve see it.

Yeah, sports evolve over has 6v6 tf2. I think what they mean is that it lack varietys on a game to game basis, which is also true of sports.

posted about 11 years ago
#294 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
RuskeydooShould also be noted that the current competitive community is not largely who this is aimed at. Valve are going to want to aim this at the TF2 player base as a whole and other gamers who might get into TF2. I'd guesstimate that the current comp community makes up less than 1% of Valves target audience for this initiative.

we are the 1%

posted about 11 years ago
#292 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
ArxI'm excited about this. Robin is completely right about the current state of competitive TF2. It is the same stuff over and over again. Only the existing competitive players really enjoy consistently watching 6vs6 matches because we notice the tiny little differences in play and we appreciate those things.

Why does everybody keep acting like this is a problem? This is inherent to almost all competition. Ever watched a soccer game? How often do you see new never before seen plays? Hardly ever. It's all about execution. Same with all sports. Football probably has the most "new" plays, due to the nature of running a specific play every down, but even then they are few and far between, much like tf2. How much of CS:GO is crazy new strats instead of just fine tuning execution?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Sudden performance increase? in TF2 General Discussion

My avg fps hasn't changed, maybe you had a process hogging cpu when you ran the original benchmark?

posted about 11 years ago
#116 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately I enjoy pubs more than highlander :(

but with the exception of 2 matches like 4 seasons ago I've only done lobbies so I guess I'll give this a try...

posted about 11 years ago

we had something similar on UMD alert rofl

posted about 11 years ago
#2 ESEA S14 LAN Playoff Information in TF2 General Discussion

the week before i49, gonna be a lot of tf2

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Tery's Invite Rankings / Week Preview - Week 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Obviously HRG vs mix^ is going to be the match of the week, but holy shit am I excited for Top Guns vs. tri hards

posted about 11 years ago
#16 mumble 1.2.4 in Off Topic
hooky"Added a right-click context menu for channels, which lets you copy a Mumble URL pointing to the current server/channel to the system clipboard"

This sounds like it could be very useful.

that's actually awesome

posted about 11 years ago
#52 GXL TF2 LAN topics in LAN Discussion

bought my ticket :D

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Seriously ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

the penguins are playing mon-wed-fri and there are no servers tues-thurs

rip badlands week

posted about 11 years ago
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