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Last Posted November 6, 2022 at 2:12 PM
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#15 Time to vote on the 8th in World Events

Instead of voting this November, consider doing the following:


posted about 2 years ago
#11 fuck soup in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#239 98 dpm in TF2 General Discussion


oh shit fellas check it out!!!

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Cow milk in coffee is disgusting in Off Topic

if you need to add sweeteners or creamer to coffee to enjoy it you are 100% buying the wrong kind of coffee and/or not brewing it correctly

posted about 3 years ago
#15 A poem by yours truly in TF2 General Discussion

the finn cries out in pain as he strikes you

posted about 4 years ago
#30 consider voting in World Events
klassyfuckmachineBarryChuckleScrewBVoting for Howie Hawkins. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
The fact you voted with your conscience will be a huge comfort to the millions who have lost family members to the pandemic, the migrant children being systematically separated from their parents, and all the peaceful protesters who were gassed and beaten in the street or lost an eye to rubber bullets.

man i hate trump for doing these things better vote for the other guy so we can keep doing these things
could you imagine shaming someone for voting third party, when the two mainstream parties have offered us nothing in the past 20 some years?
i dont like trump but what is biden seriously gonna do thats gonna save this country, increase the military spending while denying universal healthcare and student loan forgiveness? opening the arctic to drilling while leasing land for domestic fracking? who tf are you people seriously preaching to. tell me how voting third party, to move away from this unipolitical quagmire that is american politics, is worse?? people arent voting for joe biden cause hes the greatest candidate to ever grace the ballot, hes just not trump.
almost a hundred million people didnt vote in 2016. not because they were SO TORN between the two candidates, its was because no matter who was in office, those people would never get:
-public school reform
-prison system reform
-an end to the endless wars in the middle east
-universal healthcare or at least cheaper healthcare for all americans
-student loan forgiveness
-any long lasting environmental policy
-an end to the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs
-an end to the two parties that do nothing but pass each others legislative agenda
im assuming you havent read any of biden policies at all OR you’re just privileged enough that any policy driven through by either party isn’t going to have any greater effect on your life whatsoever.

Any progress is beneficial for somebody, no matter how slow it is.

bidens been in office for 50 years. hes had 50 years to make some progress, to actually offer something to progressive voters instead of rallying behind the idea that he can convince the fucking like 5 conservative voters he thinks he can swing to vote blue in the american west.

i dont say this to be slanderous or mean, but you europeans really do not understand american politics. oh his policy page says he supports universal healthcare and environmental issues that must mean they will become realities when he is president!!!!!! those things will never happen. and to make matters worse, you have people pledging their support MONTHS in advanced saying they will vote for joe biden no matter what, so why the fuck would he have any obligation to actually do anything for his voters???? they are already voting for him so they dont care what he does!

we do not have two parties, we do not have a battle of republican values versus democratic values, we have two parties working together to continously ensure that their donor class of friends benefit while the remainder of us suffer under their boot of unescapable debt, unaffordable health care, crushing work cultures, prevailing poverty, the eradication of the middle class, and a plummeting standard of living.

9/10 of democratic voters want universal healthcare and student loan forgiveness, and the MAJORITY of republican voters want these things too. please stop saying i need to look at his policies, please stop saying im too privilaged to understand. joe biden will give us fucking NOTHING other than a paved road for a worse trump to take power in 2024.

edit: formatting

posted about 4 years ago
#12 consider voting in World Events
BarryChuckleScrewBVoting for Howie Hawkins. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
The fact you voted with your conscience will be a huge comfort to the millions who have lost family members to the pandemic, the migrant children being systematically separated from their parents, and all the peaceful protesters who were gassed and beaten in the street or lost an eye to rubber bullets.

man i hate trump for doing these things better vote for the other guy so we can keep doing these things
could you imagine shaming someone for voting third party, when the two mainstream parties have offered us nothing in the past 20 some years?
i dont like trump but what is biden seriously gonna do thats gonna save this country, increase the military spending while denying universal healthcare and student loan forgiveness? opening the arctic to drilling while leasing land for domestic fracking? who tf are you people seriously preaching to. tell me how voting third party, to move away from this unipolitical quagmire that is american politics, is worse?? people arent voting for joe biden cause hes the greatest candidate to ever grace the ballot, hes just not trump.
almost a hundred million people didnt vote in 2016. not because they were SO TORN between the two candidates, its was because no matter who was in office, those people would never get:
-public school reform
-prison system reform
-an end to the endless wars in the middle east
-universal healthcare or at least cheaper healthcare for all americans
-student loan forgiveness
-any long lasting environmental policy
-an end to the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs
-an end to the two parties that do nothing but pass each others legislative agenda

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Croatian Thread in Off Topic

google translate asks if i want this page translated from bosnian

posted about 4 years ago
#3 what happened to warmfront in Map Discussion

mid at best is okay, and any point past that is awful to attack or defend

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster
Collaideout of curiosity, any tf2 linguists out here wanna explain when we started calling americans burgers?

also someone should make a urban dictionary post about it too

Pejoratives have long been used to distinguish groups of people on superficial value or that groups most outstanding feature. When comparing cultures are face value, the easiest assets to compartmentalize and distinguish against would be food, dress, language, and traditions. Most non-Americans already know the stereotypes of being fat, eating unhealthy foods, being mobility scooter bound, being gun crazy, speaking one and only one language, being racist, and having incestual tendencies, and various insults and slurs can and have already be derived from these stereotypes.

The term "burger" shares the same genetic prose as the term "kraut", which was used in America and the Anglophone world at large to describe Germany and German speakers of any country, which was most popular during WW2 and the post-war and early Cold War periods. While there are obvious differences between German speakers in different countries and even with Germany herself, the term had such popularity because it associated an entire umbrella group of people to a uncommon and insignificant dish in American cuisine; sauerkraut. The terms usage at the height of its popularity carried a very heavy negative connotation, as many Germans and German speakers faced hostility during WW1, WW2, and the post war era. Sentiments have for the most part died down in our current day and age, and the term, while being dated and annoying, is most often used in friendly banter, since most Americans don't really carry any resentment towards Germany or any European country for that matter.

"Burger" is used in much the same way. Its an umbrella term for all people living in America and Canada, regardless of race, age, and socioeconomic standing. Hamburgers are the quintessential American food, you could walk into any bar, restaurant, fast-food joint, or any other place that sells food, and you would have an almost 100% chance of being able to purchase a hamburger in one form or another (unless that particular vendor specializes in something that would traditionally exclude burgers and other 'American' foods; pizza joints, ethnic restaurants, ice cream parlors etc). The burger in American culture is almost as ubiquitous and symbolic as the bald eagle, Ford F150's, and police brutality.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am almost certain the exact term "burger" used to describe Anglo-speaking Americans and Canadians comes from fucking polandball comics. Polandball comics, for the uninformed, are web comics that use the culture and outwardly appearance of a particular country as main characters, the purpose of the countryballs is to represent the macro-generalization of a particular country. Since the comics are most often written in English, non-English speaking countries are typically portrayed using broken English, usually involving the linguistic features of that country's common language (ie, Russia, Poland, and other Slavic countryballs not using definite and indefinite articles when speaking English, since most Slavic languages lack this feature; China- and Mexicoball using xixixi and jajaja instead of "hahaha" respectively, etc). Since most countries in the comics are displayed as being dumb, ignorant, our out of the loop, stereotypes and pejoratives are often used for comedic effect. Since burgers are a staple American food that has seen a rise in popularity overseas thanks to America's cultural imperialism, most countryballs refer to Americaball as "burger".

To answer your question of when tftv in particular started using burger, that's harder to pin down, since people online have been calling Americans "burger" for sometime now, and it seems to have the most usage on sites like reddit and 4chan, where various other memes have incorporated the term "burger". I'd probably say from my own experience lurking on this website that "burger", "leaf" and "euro" became most popular around the time ESEA stop supporting tf2 in NA. Now that there was no unifying competitive 6v6 league in the NA scene, Americans and Canadians (and I guess Central Americans as well) were left with slim and grim options as to the future of their scene, while South American, European, and Asian leagues seemed to face no trouble at all. And since people love to kick other people when their down, I imagine the usage of the term, while not inherently negative or mean, started being wide spread to banter against poor burgerfags without a comp scene and forced to work sigafoos plantation.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Bill Clinton Swag in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 4 years ago
#100 Krunker.io (web FPS) in Other Games

Anybody still playing this regularly? I play this game probably everyday and I'm always looking for people to play with

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Brock's Horror Movie Thread in Music, Movies, TV

poggers dude ive been looking for good horror books to read after getting hooked on junji ito

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Brock's Horror Movie Thread in Music, Movies, TV

HUGE fan of extraterrestrial horror, scariest movie Ive seen was "Dark Skies" shit kept me up for a whole week.

If you guys like low budget campy movies Id really suggest "Pontypool", its a psychological thriller from the inside of a radio station in a small town overrun by a strange mind altering virus, easily one of my fav films.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Selling Mice @ LAN in LAN Discussion

can i just buy the dead skin? i already have a mouse

posted about 5 years ago
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