Didn’t know so many people hate ETF2L. I am so confused.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198051219850 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:90954122] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:45477061 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | April 20, 2014 |
Last Posted | February 8, 2025 at 12:20 PM |
Posts | 2294 (0.6 per day) |
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In-game Sensitivity | 2.4 |
Windows Sensitivity | 1 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
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Refresh Rate |
60hz |
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Mouse | dfhgj |
Keyboard | laptop |
Mousepad | aaaaa |
Headphones | thj |
Monitor | asfesgr5y467 |
+ Frag this post if you want ETF2L to be back.
If you hate ETF2L and would like it to stay down, give the post a - Frag.
Milo #1
Open Mike Eagle
G Herbo
Chief keef
All your base are belong to us
This is a good thing. Unless they are bug fixin they just fuck everything up, man
One of the best twitch chatters I've ever seen in my whole life.
flatlinerays is a cool guy dont feel bad about using his hud
You're misunderstanding the issue here.
There's nothing wrong with Ray or his HUD at all and I don't feel the slightest bit ashamed for indulging into his work. I've watched him play Super Mario Sunshine countless times and I'm extremely fond of his work. This HUD was used by legendary players such as Mangachu (I think). Also, so there's no way its a bad HUD either and I think some of the people here are just saying that in order to troll me, which isn't working, by the way.
The only reason I'm responding to this is in defence of Rays btw.
The issue is that people like Niko, who is the shittest varriation of a person named Niko/NiCo/Nicco to ever play TF2, instantly changed his HUD to this. You can bet your bottom dollar on this. Lots of people wanna steal my style, lots of people want to wear their pants like they know how I do it, steal my fits, use my sens, etc.
Anyways this is the last shits I'm talking about this. Yeah its unfortunate, but I made Ray famous, so we'll see what happens from there. Maybe he will even sponsor me, who knows? Then who will be laughing?
Also, for reference before you guys think I'm crazy. This guy change his name to 'Raf Simmons' cause he saw me talk about how I was wearing my SS13 sweater in MGE chat and didn't even know that it was spelled 'Simons'. He just wanted to seem like he was on the same shit that I was on, but hes not.
indecencyi remember being a pubber and matching my loadouts to watever the climate of the map was
Care to share with the community if you stopped? And if so why?
Getting to the real juicy meat of the thread now. Enough of dat trolling.
Why you guys have to be toxic and leek my info? All I wanted to do was get past this personal anxiety that I just happen to suffer from. I didnt think it would happen like this. Thank you, you have ruined my day and possibly my career.
niko why did you censor your hud
Uhm a lot of reasons. For one, I think that everyone will be clamouring to use dis HUD once they know that I'm using it and I want to embrace the ideas of just being your self and playing by your own style. Secondly, by releasing this kind of info it leads me to be vulnerable. Same thing with what xHair on using.
Maybe U can get this kind of info on my only fans sometime but for now, just enjoy my outfit :D
My scoot btw. Censored my HUD :P
Inspired by Forsak3n when he was Scunt for [R]eason
Edit: SOMETIMES you might see me replace the medal for the Caffeine Cooler, inspired by Kev from America back in the day. I don't wear this all the time though because I feel it fucks wid the model. This is why I wear the medal, but only on hot days do I wear the Caffeine Cooler. So don't be alarmed if u see me wear that. Its something I do.
Dats slightly off topic.... but interesting.
Any pics?