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Last Posted April 27, 2020 at 11:24 AM
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#123 VALORANT in Other Games
dishsoapgdhandNo, you get good Raze is S tier.

Will probably get nerfed because CS players hate when you break their autistic timings.Satchels are not a worse Jett jump lmao, for one Jett movement is way more linear. No one's really explored Raze setups aside from this guy so far, being able to entry frag like that is insane.
yeah no this isnt convincing. sure these setups are cool and all but in reality most of these clips hes getting lucky that the victim of his antics doesnt instantly shred him.

this looks like one of those cs youtuber frag videos where they bhop around in mm and get stupid headshots bc luck or they had a small fov aimbot or some shit. ultimately its impractical at best, and hard feeding at worst.

especially with raze's nerf its really easy to see how underwhelming her kit is when u know what she does. i havent seen any raze grenade or rocket getting really stupid kills in a few days now.

raze is high C low B tier.

Being able to break timings isn't impractical, as a huge part of CS is predicting enemy movements. If you're going to call Raze underwhelming, then almost every duelist is aside from that 1 time where they can flash/smoke. Raze's niche is probably going to be her ability to push past angles fast, and be unpredictable, the setup at mid at 2:10 is a good example of this, nobody is going to expect you to do that unless they've already seen you do it.

Also her ult is unquestionably a good ult, arguing that it isn't because you play vs retard razes who use it while they are 100 miles away which allows you 1000000 seconds to juke her isn't a good argument. It's like saying mcree/pharah ult in OW sucks under the same criteria. (Terrible players telegraphing their intentions to ult)

posted about 4 years ago
#115 VALORANT in Other Games

No, you get good Raze is S tier.

Will probably get nerfed because CS players hate when you break their autistic timings.Satchels are not a worse Jett jump lmao, for one Jett movement is way more linear. No one's really explored Raze setups aside from this guy so far, being able to entry frag like that is insane.

posted about 4 years ago
#30 Paladins in Other Games

Do I smell a retard meme poster

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Paladins in Other Games

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Paladins in Other Games

game can be fun if you're not playing vs retards actually

still has to be expanded and refined upon but there's something there

netcode issues making the game feel wonky at times...try tracking a target flying through the air to see this

posted about 9 years ago
#80 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic

Dirtybomb was filled with transitionals from other dead fps games who were looking for a game to latch onto.

ALL of the DB players will switch over if they get the chance.

Somehow most of pkd got in but kudochop's team didn't and ALL of hubris got beta. I think FishStix had something to do with it since he was also slobbing on that game's knob at the time with front page twitch deals for extremely small and minor DB tournaments.

I think TF2's over representation has something to do with the fact that more flags were given out to it's specific community than others. For a very good reason maybe

posted about 9 years ago
#78 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic

It's about securing a position within the scene at a low price.

These players likely could not ask for much out of their contracts.

Classic esports goldrush mentality.

posted about 9 years ago
#75 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic

It's sad to watch Dahang play reinhardt.

Like real sad (not implying he sucks at rein)

christ that hero is braindead

Also weird that we have people saying that casualizing the FPS aspect in a first person shooter is somehow ever a good thing even if there are positives

"pure mechanical skill", aka hand-eye coordination and reflexes are arguably the videogaming skills least dependant on your higher cognitive functions, they're literally the "dumbest" part of gaming

It's hella fucking irrelevant because very good or THE BEST players of any game have both to some degree, but it's not like they're mechanical gods and have the decision making skills of some retard pub and in many cases mechanical skill is actually AIDED by having insane knowledge of a game. Be reasonable here...making mechanical skill less important literally benefits nobody.

I wouldn't even agree on the mechanics front. But I'm completely unqualified to make any statement about any of that because I've never played the game.

For example airshotting a flying pharah or mercy is as easy as airshotting a base jumper solly the airspeeds are extremely close...and that is one of the most mechanically intensive things you can do in OW. Genji/Tracer aren't that hard if you aren't braindead.

posted about 9 years ago
#212 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

that merc was in the game already in previous builds all of the "new" releases aren't really so

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Paladins in Other Games

it plays nothing like OW the closest is something like Global Agenda pvp. Aesthetically its
fucking gross but they'll fix it eventually.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic
Give it time. As long as Blizzard are pretty keen on listening to community feedback, then maybe they'll make a lot of positive changes for the good of the game.

If you knew anything about modern blizzard you would realize how funny this statement is.

I mean even in the context of Overwatch the fov slider still doesn't show you the value you set it at. This literally could of been patched in within 30 minutes.(Hell the fact that it wasn't in the game in earlier builds is just rofl) You really expect Blizz to go the proverbial extra mile with OW when shit like this takes ages to get done? This is the same company who also when deciding to make a first person shooter game put in weird stuff like distracting reload animations and muzzle flashes that obscure crosshair and player models. Please don't expect them to give a damn about competitive fps integrity...yes they will push esports but only because it benefits them marketing wise.

Heroes Of The Storm barely changed from technical alpha -> release and it took months of literal community outrage for them to finally remove talent gating.

I'm not even criticizing the quality of their games just that in general they could give two shits about what the community wants most of time.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic

they will get smashed by no name 15 year olds in a year

posted about 9 years ago