KevinIsPwnJust a quick update: We got a bit of feedback on both this post and the steam discussion that some people would prefer a dark theme, while others liked the white theme. Well, while our backend devs are chugging along with making everything work, our resident graphic designer Capu has created a dark theme so you can game with your fragile eyes upon release.
We plan to always be listening to your feedback! There will also be a blog post on our developer blog within the next few days explaining all the technologies that are going into the site, so stay on the lookout for that.
Also, like schalla said, if you have anything you'd like to read about on our blog, please tell us so we can write stuff that is actually relevant. See schalla's comment above for info.
I'd personally be interested in how you're going to structure your client/server interactions. In particular how you're planning to keep everything synced for 1k+ concurrent users, because that's the part I see tf2center mess up once in a while.