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Signed Up | August 28, 2013 |
Last Posted | April 12, 2023 at 4:49 AM |
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Mr_Harvardidk why no one has checked, but plat hasnt played tf2 since 2014, so, if this mix^ revival isnt just a hoax, then i would assume he won't be playing
shit dawg, haven't ridden a bike in a year, gotta re-learn it
plobsother teams (besides top 5)
malicious activity, madmen reform, yomies
suuuuuper questionable but i think thorn still wants to do ya boys so we'll see how that goes
Please for the love of God, can we stop talking about that Malicious team like they'll ACTUALLY be playing in Invite?
On topic, I have also heard rumors that thorn has the fire. I'd like to see that happen as well.
Woogiebuggrape is also a viable demo but yeah i think plat would be on demo
Yeah that was the main toss-up for me, pros and cons for each. Grape pretty long removed from demo, Plat less so. Still kind of a 50/50. Will be interesting to see.
Would I be correct to assume
Indust - Medic
Grape - Pocket
Harb - Roamer
Plat - Demo
enigma, ruwin - Scout
At least a few of those guys have played other classes and quite well.
can we get on with it and announce the new invite rosters? i'm starting to lose my mind with impatience. i am so fucking excited.
Just throwing in another reply to urge people to get your shit paid NOW
Seriously, don't wait, do it now. If you can't afford it, ask your parents or friends or Steam friends or make a thread or do something. Reach out, go get it done. I just got done paying fees for one person who didn't have the cash and I was happy to do it.
Don't assume there will be an extension every season. Because some season, there won't be.
So yeah pay up now ASAP
Whenever I log in to my Gmail, I need to enter a code that it sends to my cell phone.
It's a pain in the dick to do, but if it helps prevent my email from getting hacked into, I'm on board.
(I realize two-factor authentication is not perfect, but hey it definitely helps.)
ToodlesI agree with what Konr said, especially the comparison to Pledge. What I sometimes feel is lacking is tempo. You'll talk about something that happend on mid while teams are gearing up to push last.
I also find that when you are describing or analysing something you get to caught up in formulating the words that you miss things that are happening. Just now during esea lan you missed a medic drop, due to this. You should imo give more room to your co-caster as well and not just for the in-depth analysis part.
These are fair points. I need to let go of points that I want to make after a certain period of time passes.
My bad - I fixed the link.
I certainly do have a desire to improve my knowledge of the game. That's a big one on the list and a constant one.
Obi I only tuned in for this morning, but it seemed like yuki wasn't really meshing well with your casting style.
Yuki is great - he's a top level soldier and has fantastic insight. But I definitely have a ton of chemistry with Marxist, and cast all my matches this season with him, whereas Yuki and I have only done one and it was a long time ago. I was definitely missing Marxist somewhat. But I do understand they needed him for the second half of the day and tomorrow.
Teapot_There's so much I want to say but a lot of it just comes down to having very little experience of actually playing 6v6. It's not a criticism of your casting skills but your understanding of the game, for instance being surprised by and saying its creative to see a medic being body blocked in an uber exchange when it's a fairly common occurrence.
I also don't think it's fair to hide behind being a play-by-play caster, you're casting at the top level of the game with minimal knowledge of how the game is played. I appreciate the time you put in and your enthusiasm and willingness to accept criticism to improve as a caster but like I said, your actual casting skills are good but your understanding is what most people don't like about your casting.
I've gotta nitpick you on this. The last thing I want to be is defensive or whatnot - I've been open and very receptive to feedback and will continue to be. But as soon as I read this I knew I disagreed with your memory of it. This is the moment you're referring to. Now I'm sure I could have said "That's a common occurrence" but I don't think that fits a high energy cast. Instead I called out hey, I liked that, that was neat. Maybe I'm totally crazy but I don't see any fault in that.
Now I'm having the discussion with konr and I will concede that sometimes the words may come out in such a way that sounds dumb, or come out in a dumb way. I have two specific examples, including this one, where the word choice made it sound like I amaaaazed by some play which I actually know is common. That's fair; my words are all I have.
This is an old bumped thread; I would suggest maybe glancing at the earlier posts in here. In them I addressed specifically the situation I'm in and why playing competitive probably isn't going to happen right now in my life as a nearly 30-year-old guy. I've played in the past, but the amount of effort required to play in Open or whatever isn't worth it for me to improve this hobby that I do. That's not a refusal to improve - that's just real. If any of you guys stick around ESEA at 29, let me know, but that's a huge minority and I'm not in it. I'm not getting paid to cast, and I certainly won't make money playing TF2.
I'm not trying to hide behind anything. I have demonstrated a desire to keep learning. If I wanted to hide behind being a play by play only guy, I probably wouldn't have made a thread looking for help.
I am planning to watch ALL VOD's of this LAN - not just my own, but the others as well. I am a perfectionist and am never truly happy with what I've done, as hard as I try and prepare. I am hopeful that after this LAN I will keep moving up. But I am happy to get more feedback - thanks for bumping this thread.
EDIT: I am going to be watching LAN VOD's from gecks, and cbear+whoever from past seasons and paying close attention to the amount and level of analysis to see what I can pick up.
Phunk[–]bleyeb1 110 points 8 hours ago
I really enjoy the personality change based on class being played.
i'm 5
-protowhats with all the alfa hate??? I've been away for a few days someone catch me up. alfa is a lot better than the euros shit talking him in this thread tbh.
he did that thing where he got publicly upset about trolls