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Country Trinidad and Tobago
Signed Up August 28, 2013
Last Posted April 12, 2023 at 4:49 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 126
#76 Hottest TF2 chicks in Off Topic
Dave_ori c:

damn dude buy jeans that fit

posted about 10 years ago
#39 will u be my valentine enigma? in Off Topic
aim-Getawhalemedic is red
soldier is blue
mister slin
second all time for dropped ubers in ESEA TF2
thats actually ninjanick

yes, my ranking was including all matches i.e. pugs

posted about 10 years ago
#27 will u be my valentine enigma? in Off Topic

medic is red
soldier is blue
mister slin
second all time for dropped ubers in ESEA TF2

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Hottest TF2 chicks in Off Topic

old enough to meet, old enough to eat

posted about 10 years ago
#37 creativity in Off Topic

Kaidus eSports

posted about 10 years ago
#9 TF2Povs Revamped! in Videos

May I ask out of curiosity how you intend to sync Mumble comms with POV? In my experience they go out of sync very slightly and it's difficult to perfect. Have you mastered it sir? If so, I'm interested to know how.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ESEA Invite: A New Yomie vs Mad Men in TF2 General Discussion

your damn rite ill be their!

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Epsilon banned from valve tournaments for one year in CS2 General Discussion

You guys keep pretending you're good at TF2 and I'll keep pretending I'm good at casting

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Epsilon banned from valve tournaments for one year in CS2 General Discussion
stonedchinamanyour opinion is bias af


Keep down voting I don't give a fuck, learn English bye

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ESEA Invite: Mad Men vs. froyotech in TF2 General Discussion

Monet is on a winning streak

posted about 10 years ago
#2 ESEA Invite: Mad Men vs. froyotech in TF2 General Discussion

Fuck you

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Would a TF2 Fantasy League be a way to generate... in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoDidn't TurboCop, kip and a few people do that 2 seasons ago?
The major issue wasn't necessarily logs, it was the integration of google docs in tandem iirc.
If the next iteration of fantasy tf2 properly read and integrated the logs it'd be fine.

What I am describing isn't a technical problem with a league or whatnot.. those are separate. I'm sure we could make an ESEA league work technically speaking.

I am speaking to a complaint some had with that league - finding a fair system of point scoring that doesn't just reward playing the longest.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Would a TF2 Fantasy League be a way to generate... in TF2 General Discussion
thesupremecommanderCorrect me if I'm wrong (since I haven't played it before), but I believe fantasy sports is purely based off of stats and doesn't take into account which game a player is playing in (so Tom Brady won't be penalized just because the Patriots are rolling the Raiders or something like that), and as a result part of the strategy in fantasy is starting certain players based on how you think they'll perform that week. I would think a TF2 fantasy league should work the same way.

Again, I'm nowhere near an expert on fantasy so feel free to call me out where I'm wrong.

You're right. But what I'm saying is TF2 matches are entirely dissimilar to sports such as hockey or football. Both sports play to a given time - not a given score. There is no mercy rule in pro sports like there is in TF2.

Therefore, a quick 3-0 into half and a quick 2 after half could be a 20 minute match - whereas a golden cap match could run well over an hour. This goes well beyond time differences you see in, say, football. The average NFL game features 11 minutes of the ball being in play, according to the Wall Street Journal and other studies.

Long vs. short TF2 matches tends to skew stats. I am speaking from experience of seeing the UGC one go for a few weeks.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Would a TF2 Fantasy League be a way to generate... in TF2 General Discussion
thesupremecommanderIt's definitely possible to make one, and quite a bit simpler than UGC because of how accessible stats are on the ESEA site.

The difficulty comes down to setting a format - how do you draft players onto teams (given that an Invite team dies each season), how do you regulate which players will start (so that a team can't start 6 medics or something ridiculous), how do you award points for stats, etc.

Would it be a cool project? Definitely. I would love to contribute to making this happen, but the issue is (as always) having the people who can dedicate their time to seeing it through to completion.

I believe scoring system was a large conflict with the dead UGC one. You can award for points or ubers or frags or whatever, but you basically run into a situation then where the week's top scorers are the players who played in the longest matches. Where a 5-0 roll may have an average of 20 frags a player, an hour-long close match may be more like 40. So which is more impressive? And if you lost a long 5-4 match, should that be more valuable than rolling a team 5-0?

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Would a TF2 Fantasy League be a way to generate... in TF2 General Discussion
kounterpartsimo, i think the reason there isnt much player (its not worship but I cant think of the right word). Is because the NA TF2 scene is so tight-knit, take for example if you love comp CS:GO and you meet someone like GeT_RiGhT you'd be like, holy shit, you youre awesome and super good. But with TF2 if you were to meet someone like b4nny youd be like oh shit, youre pretty alright, whats up. I dont know, there isnt much "stardom" in this community. And I think its better that way.

I think you're wrong - I think plenty of kids idolize these players.

It's worth noting that a fantasy league was proposed for UGC Plat Highlander, and it never quite took off. Code was written that parsed logs, but it never went very far and was quickly abandoned. Probably lack of interest.

I'm sure that if someone really wanted to do this for ESEA, though, and had the passion to make it work, they could. I just don't think it's going to make any money.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 126