Account Details
SteamID64 76561198057440308
SteamID3 [U:1:97174580]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:48587290
Country United States
Signed Up December 28, 2014
Last Posted May 11, 2016 at 1:19 AM
Posts 123 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6.1"/360
Windows Sensitivity 5th bar
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse rapoo gaming series
Keyboard Stock
Mousepad gaming mouse pad (nothing special)
Monitor laptop @60hz :(
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#1 scout sens in Q/A Help

I am looking for an answer from someone who is a good scout, and can hit da meatties 8)

How much inches per 360 should i have when playing scout?

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Sens help. in Hardware
ProcreativeAfter ciphering through what in undoubtedly a google translate I take it you went from a low DPI mouse to high. That means you'll want to lower sensitivity to match your previous sens. Just dick around with bots or MGE till you get something that feels familiar/comfortable and stick with it. Or change it every 5 minutes. Whatever floats your boat.

Yeah that is what I have been doing, but what feels familiar with one class, is totally weird for another :P

thanks <3

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Sens help. in Hardware
I got me a new 1000 DPI mouse today. I have 5/11 on windows pointer options.

My question is what sens should I use for each class...

If you use a mouse with a higher DPI, is there some equation to worth with so i can get the same sens?

Thanks :3

pick something between 6in/360 to 40in/360

Well I did what what you said and made it exactly 6 inches per 360 by making my ingame sens 3.65.

BUT that makes it super high, and I used to play with a low dpi mouse, but i am sure that this feels a lot more than 3.65 :/

and yes, my m_yaw is 0.022

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Sens help. in Hardware

I got me a new 1000 DPI mouse today. I have 5/11 on windows pointer options.

My question is what sens should I use for each class...

If you use a mouse with a higher DPI, is there some equation to worth with so i can get the same sens?

Thanks :3

posted about 9 years ago
#89 About cl_interp and hit registeration in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, So I just want a clear answer.

I will change the cl_interp in my crosshair switcher file (I got it from tf2mate). But how do I change the cl_interp for the actual class, or is it the same thing...

And where do I go to change the cl_interp ratio (cant find it on any cfg file) and what should it be for each class?

Note: I have 80-150 ping, and some packet loss in-game, I want the setting that best complies with this.
My monitor is 60 Hertz.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Demoman Charge Meter in Q/A Help
Mr_Harvardthis is like your 2nd or 3rd thread where u have started out with the same sentence

And 4 people told me exactly what i said not to do.

KhanTF2Why are you more important than everyone else?

You are so retarded it is unbelievable.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 VPN that works with TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

leave the guy alone, u guys are fucking assholes, so what he might not be smarter than u...

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Demoman Charge Meter in Q/A Help

No, this is not a short question, I will not post it to the HUD help thread. That just for quick Q/A help.

K, i asked the same question, and Hergan (creator of Hergan HUD) answered me, and it worked, but now, the charge meter (not the sticki bomb charge meter, the sheild meter) goes the same place the number of stickis are.

The sticki count is just what I wanted, and works fine, it is just that the charge meter (for shields NOT for the sticki charge meter, goes where the sticki count is, whisker told me that it controls both, so is there anyways to not make the sticki count position not interfere with shield charge, and how?

3 Pictures

I like everything the way it is I just want to move the charge meter of the shield in it is orignal spot. (Just so u know, i did not do ANYTHING to the charge meter, only demoman pipes in ui and hudlayout, like you and hergan suggested)

Here is the code in "Resource/UI/HudDemomanCharge.res":

		"ControlName"		"ContinuousProgressBar"
		"fieldName"			"ChargeMeter"
		"font"				"Default"
		"xpos"				"0"
		"ypos"				"27"
		"zpos"				"2"
		"wide"				"100"
		"tall"				"6"			
		"autoResize"		"0"
		"pinCorner"			"0"
		"visible"			"1"
		"enabled"			"1"
		"textAlignment"		"Left"
		"dulltext"			"0"
		"brighttext"		"0"
		"fgcolor_override"	"255 255 255 255"
		"bgcolor_override"	"255 255 255 100"

Here is the code in "Resource/UI/HudDemomanPipes.res":

		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"background"
		"xpos"			"6969"
		"ypos"			"6969"
		"zpos"			"0"
		"wide"			"76"
		"tall"			"38"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"
		"image"			"../hud/misc_ammo_area_blue"
		"scaleImage"	"1"	
		"teambg_2"		"../hud/misc_ammo_area_red"
		"teambg_2_lodef"	"../hud/misc_ammo_area_red_lodef"
		"teambg_3"		"../hud/misc_ammo_area_blue"
		"teambg_3_lodef"	"../hud/misc_ammo_area_blue_lodef"				

		"ControlName"			"CExLabel"
		"fieldName"				"ChargeLabel"
		"xpos"					"500"
		"ypos"					"88"
		"zpos"					"2"
		"wide"					"100"
		"tall"					"4"
		"autoResize"			"1"
		"pinCorner"				"2"
		"visible"				"0"
		"visible_minmode"		"0"
		"enabled"				"0"
		"tabPosition"			"0"
		"labelText"				"#TF_Charge"
		"textAlignment"			"center"
		"dulltext"				"0"
		"brighttext"			"0"
		"font"					"TFFontSmall"

		"ControlName"			"ContinuousProgressBar"
		"fieldName"				"ChargeMeter"
		"font"					"Default"
		"xpos"					"5"
		"ypos"					"15"
		"zpos"					"2"
		"wide"					"100"
		"tall"					"7"				
		"autoResize"			"0"
		"pinCorner"				"0"
		"visible"				"1"
		"enabled"				"1"
		"textAlignment"			"Left"
		"dulltext"				"0"
		"brighttext"			"0"

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PipesPresentPanel"
		"xpos"			"2"
		"ypos"			"20"
		"zpos"			"1"
		"wide"			"100"
		"tall"			"50"
		"visible"		"0"

			"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"PipeIcon"
			"xpos"			"6969"
			"ypos"			"6969"
			"wide"			"20"
			"tall"			"20"
			"visible"		"0"
			"enabled"		"0"
			"image"			"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red"
			"scaleImage"	"1"
			"teambg_2"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red"
			"teambg_3"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_blue"	

			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabel"
			"xpos"				"37"
			"ypos"				"13"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"1"
			"enabled"			"1"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"0"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"0 255 255 255"
			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabelDropshadow"
			"xpos"				"38"
			"ypos"				"14"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"1"
			"enabled"			"1"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"0"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"255 0 0 255"

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"NoPipesPresentPanel"
		"xpos"			"6969"
		"ypos"			"20"
		"zpos"			"1"
		"wide"			"100"
		"tall"			"50"
		"visible"		"0"

			"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"PipeIcon"
			"xpos"			"6969"
			"ypos"			"6969"
			"ypos_minmode"	"12"
			"wide"			"20"
			"wide_minmode"	"14"
			"tall"			"20"
			"tall_minmode"	"14"
			"visible"		"0"
			"enabled"		"0"
			"image"			"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red_faded"
			"scaleImage"	"1"
			"teambg_2"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red_faded"
			"teambg_3"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_blue_faded"	


Here is the code for anything that has to do with demoman in "Resource/HudLayout.res":

		"fieldName"					"HudDemomanCharge"
		"visible"					"1"
		"enabled"					"1"
		"xpos"						"c-49"
		"ypos"						"c85" //c88
		"wide"						"200"
		"tall"						"100"
		"MeterFG"					"255 0 127 255"
		"MeterBG"					"Gray"

AND the other one also in "Resource/HudLayout.res":

		"fieldName"					"HudDemomanPipes"
		"visible"					"1"
		"enabled"					"1"
		"xpos"						"c-20"
		"ypos"						"c-43"
		"wide"						"2000"
		"tall"						"1000F"

As you can see, I did not mess with the charge for anything just the pipes

Whisker told me to change the charge meter postion, but I tried a bunch of different numbers, it didnt move one bit...

posted about 9 years ago
#5 HUD help in Q/A Help
Mr_Harvardchange the x, y, wide and tall values and shit to make it how u want it to look

alright, thanks m8

posted about 9 years ago
#3 HUD help in Q/A Help
Mr_Harvardu have to raise the y pos in huddemomanpipes in hudlayout and then adjust the code from the files in there to fine too it, also gonna have to lower the position of the charge bars, so u probably have to increase the length of the panel in hudslayout aswell drop shadow is exactly what it sounds, its the shadow for the sticky count, and this wasnt that long, probably should have gone in hud questions short answers

how do i "adjust the code"

posted about 9 years ago
#1 HUD help in Q/A Help

Before I start, no I won't post it on the thread for HUD Help, it is dumb, and no one ever answers me... (also it is for short questions, unlike this)

I am a user of budhud (which has strong elements from Ray's Hud) and I have a problem with the number of stickis placed (by demoman). Basically, I am trying to move the position of the X,Y cordinates to make it near the crosshair, but I changed it a bunch of time, non of them seem to work.

Here is what I basically want. (NOTE: When I have zero stickis placed, the color is white, and it is in the default place of the hud, which is what I want.

Here is what's written in my HudDemomanPipes in ui folder:

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PipesPresentPanel"
		"xpos"			"2"
		"ypos"			"20"
		"zpos"			"1"
		"wide"			"100"
		"tall"			"50"
		"visible"		"0"

			"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"PipeIcon"
			"xpos"			"6969"
			"ypos"			"6969"
			"wide"			"20"
			"tall"			"20"
			"visible"		"0"
			"enabled"		"0"
			"image"			"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red"
			"scaleImage"	"1"
			"teambg_2"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red"
			"teambg_3"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_blue"	

			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabel"
			"xpos"				"37"
			"ypos"				"13"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"1"
			"enabled"			"1"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"0"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"0 255 255 255"
			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabelDropshadow"
			"xpos"				"38"
			"ypos"				"14"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"0"
			"enabled"			"0"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"0"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"bh_black"

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"NoPipesPresentPanel"
		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"20"
		"zpos"			"1"
		"wide"			"100"
		"tall"			"50"
		"visible"		"1"

			"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"PipeIcon"
			"xpos"			"6969"
			"ypos"			"6969"
			"ypos_minmode"	"12"
			"wide"			"20"
			"wide_minmode"	"14"
			"tall"			"20"
			"tall_minmode"	"14"
			"visible"		"0"
			"enabled"		"0"
			"image"			"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red_faded"
			"scaleImage"	"1"
			"teambg_2"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_red_faded"
			"teambg_3"		"../hud/ico_stickybomb_blue_faded"	

			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabel"
			"xpos"				"36"
			"ypos"				"13"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"1"
			"enabled"			"1"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"1"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"bh_white"
			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"			"NumPipesLabelDropshadow"
			"xpos"				"37"
			"ypos"				"14"
			"zpos"				"2"
			"wide"				"35"
			"tall"				"20"
			"autoResize"		"1"
			"pinCorner"			"2"
			"visible"			"0"
			"enabled"			"0"
			"tabPosition"		"0"
			"labelText"			"%activepipes%"
			"textAlignment"		"center"
			"dulltext"			"1"
			"brighttext"		"0"
			"font"				"RobotoCondensed24"
			"fgcolor"			"bh_black"

And I noticed that there are 2 NumPipesLabel and NumPipesLabelDropshadow, why is that?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 HUD Crosshair in Customization

Hey Everyone!

I was wondering how can I use a HUD crosshair, BUT I only want this crosshair to show for a specific class, and even better, for a specific loadout slot of a class. (Pretty much like crosshair switcher, but I dont really like the stock TF2 crosshairs)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Texture issue in Q/A Help

thanks m8

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Texture issue in Q/A Help

Hey all,
I use dx level 8.1 and chris's MAX frames (i got it from tf2mate but i dont think that matters)

I have a problem with some textures.

I put these 2 items from loadout as an example. Idk what texture they use, but all i know is it is either dx 8.1 or max frame settings messing textures like these up

Images of messed up textures


posted about 9 years ago
#13 cfg helpz in Q/A Help

k man thanks a lot it fixed my problem, huge thanks ++ :)

posted about 9 years ago
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