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Signed Up July 28, 2022
Last Posted December 17, 2024 at 6:35 AM
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#215 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Sharks are freed now back to losing. thank you Philly

posted about a year ago
#2 PSA: Tf2 Colorblind Filters in TF2 General Discussion

“mat_0: standard vision

mat_1: Protanopia

mat_2: Deutranopia

mat_3: Tritanopia

mat_4: Achromatopsia

mat_5: Deutranomaly

mat_6: Protanomaly

mat_7: Tritanomaly

mat_8: Blue Cone Monochromacy

mat_9: ---Does not appear to match up to any color-blindness type”


posted about a year ago
#9 best stock game crosshair option in TF2 General Discussion

‘None’ option with the default white color and scale

posted about a year ago
#8 Disturbing trend among new players in TF2 General Discussion

.ss is faster to type. I need to see my dpm IMMEDIATELY, and any time spent not doing so is time that is essentially wasted.

posted about a year ago
#6 Medic Speed in TF2 General Discussion

What if medic just couldn’t move and needed to be carried around the map like a baby

posted about a year ago
#35 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

When I get upset at mge, it’s usually because someone is doing something that I deem to be “incorrect.”
Such things include anti-airing with shotgun, counterjumping all the time, or just constantly running around the map chipping you down instead of trying to take confrontations.

While mge indeed has no rules, it gets tedious playing with players who don’t really play to improve their dm and just want to win, which is besides the point of the mode. At the end of day I don’t say anything because I’d rather not make excuses for me losing.
Suppose I’m a bit childish for taking a training mode seriously or I just have too much pride to just leave and find a better partner who fits my viewpoint.

I think being upset beyond whining to yourself takes too much mental energy, but I can understand the frustration that comes with losing and why one might verbalize it, even if it’s still very childish.

posted about a year ago
#19 wat song is stuck in yr head rn in Music, Movies, TV

Zombie [

posted about a year ago
#10 Most of old visuals pack (works on serveme) in Customization

amazing mod but (for the 2012 pack) some weapons such as heavy's melees and a good chunk of sniper's primaries are broken.

posted about a year ago
#208 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
Stylaxchellwaxbrodybe patient hes finnish

bro you're from greece!

Yeah not like you get tens of millions of people paying to go to Greece every year because it's kinda nice...

They also have universal healthcare.

Who gives a fuck

posted about a year ago
#3 TFAppearance Config in Customization

access is required to view the doc.

posted about a year ago
#14 can someone explain in TF2 General Discussion

Personally, a spy stabbing someone and then instantly being able to merc another player is more annoying.

posted about a year ago
#3 Are We Back Bros? in Off Topic

Someone please get on adding little water puddles to sultry

posted about a year ago
#2 OW2 now lowest rated game on Steam in TF2 General Discussion

Now is the perfect time to farm tf2 dorks for steam awards by posting witty reviews.

posted about a year ago
#14 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you that is a valid assessment. Again, I don't really play competitive tf2. As such, I've got no clue about the inner-workings of RGL, so I can only speak from what I see from an outsider's point of view.
It's not me disregarding the criticisms of players more invested in the scene, I actually just don't know what's going on behind the scenes besides what I read, so I can only speak on what I see.

I still think bringing up newcomers should be more than just "go ask these people they'll probably know," but I accept that there are more pressing issues regarding higher divs. I really have no say in what should be done besides encouraging more players to continue gamering, but thank you regardless.

siyoWould love to see concrete evidence of this...

Sorry, not higher level plays being rostered, but rather ringing for these low level teams -- I don't really know the right term.
I've seen teams ring players way outside of their div, although being in AM or IM makes a world of difference against beginners who don't know better. Even just having the experience of a seasoned player on lower level teams can be deciding factor tbh restricting their class doesn't mean much.

Not sure what can be done to teach newbies better in this regard, since having rgl babysitting teams 24/7 for no pay is a ridiculous idea to suggest, but it wasn't really the main focus of the post. Just a small comment at how a div made for newcomers doesn't really help them

posted about a year ago
#10 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion
chellI mention this because it really feels like it's just dogpiling onto the issue that is higher div player retention. I know rgl puts a lot of focus into gaining new players and even over the last couple of seasons,[...] However, the opposite has been happening in main+, where every season has fewer and less teams

From an observer, Vet players leaving the scene is natural and unavoidable. Combining divs would probably help create more competitive teams, but the fact of the matter is that (for lower divs) there isn't anything to aide new players in moving up unless they search for it.
Without a continuous cycle of fresh meat moving through divs, you'll inevitably just have superteams shitstomping their competition for a season because hardstuck main/im players can't challenge them (could be apart of the reason IM+ players quit).

it doesn't seem like an issue of new players not being interested in 6s. Like you've said, RGL has done a lot to push 6s towards a wider audience. Issue seems to be just that the commitment to take your skill to the next level is insanely high for a ""dead"" game.

NC is a joke div comprised partially of sandbaggers, and does a mediocre job at teaching players the format.
I see a lot of interested players lose motivation here simply because the shock of dealing with so much new information can feel overwhelming.
AM is somewhat the same way (probably with even more sandbaggers (the current top team in AM literally has multiple AM finalists and intermediate players)), but I believe that it's partially people looking to make a permanent move to IM and partially people who could play IM but aren't confident enough to foot the bill for league fees.

One can make the argument that YouTube is free and you can ask a mentor, but there is literally no way new players will instinctively know how to schedule scrims or review maps. Consulting YouTube videos that are almost 10 years old is ridiculous, and finding information on newer maps such as bagel and sultry is stupidly difficult. Newbies are expected to learn all of this by themselves, and with the addition of practicing with no signs of improvement and learning through a trial by fire, it can be very demotivating.

Overall, my tldr is just help newbies better.
It should be obvious but there's no way to get more players into higher divs without teaching them how to get there in the first place. RGL already did the hard part which was getting them interested in competitive now just get them gud. Obviously some players will quit/fester in low divs, but at least they'll have a positive experience with the league and be confident with recommending it to prospective players.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong about anything. I don't really play competitive tf2 so my opinions aren't entirely based in truth, but this is what I've gathered from watching the league. I know RGL has made somewhat of an effort to reach out to baby players (such as partnering with tf2cc), but I feel like leagues and players could always do more.

posted about a year ago
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