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SteamID64 76561197961258159
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:496215
Country Netherlands
Signed Up February 13, 2013
Last Posted April 17, 2014 at 4:43 AM
Posts 48 (0 per day)
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#48 Regret in Off Topic

cheated 7 years ago on a hldm server, got banned, now my profile says vac ban 2555+ days ago

cant play team fortress classic and day of defeat anymore :(, still makes me sad. And rage kids in csgo always say nice vac ban brah. And the occasionally nerd saying once a cheater always a cheater.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Screen to big for lower res in Q/A Help

disable or enable gpu scaling in your graphics card options

posted about 10 years ago
#14 LIRIK (really popular streamer) streaming TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

normally he streams dayz

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Merry Xmas Everyone in Off Topic

happy holidays, and a happy new year everyone

posted about 11 years ago
#190 Goat_HUD in Customization
Goat_Try deleting upgradeboxdialog.res and upgradebuypanel.res in /resource/ui
Just noticed this a day ago...
2.1 coming this weekend...

doesnt work

posted about 11 years ago
#188 Goat_HUD in Customization

when using goat_hud in mvm, i dont see the refund button, does anybody has a quick fix for this ?

posted about 11 years ago
#34 what's your favorite pub server? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#141 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion

i think that i speak for a lot of players, mostly that play etf2l for fun in the lower divisions, dont make it a pay to play league.

posted about 11 years ago
#118 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
ParagonForgive my ignorance if this is well known or has been covered already but what is the protocol for placing new teams in divisions in ETF2L?

this is quite a good question.
How it works in eu, most teams if they are new, and new to the game or to a 6v6 game are placed in div6. Then if you think you are better then a certain division, you can search for games on a higher div (5 - 2 because afaik div 1 to prem schedule there scrims ) then take a screenshot of the outcome, if you gather enough screenshots you can show them to an etf2l admin, and they will place you (most of the times) in the division you desire.

Now for NA teams joining etf2l, i think you realy need some good na admins onboard, that know the na scene and know what team needs to be placed in what div.

You can also take an other aproach to it. The first season of the na teams that join etf2l, you can do it esea style, have an open, im, main and invite division. The 2nd season the admins look at the results of the first season, and decide what team should be placed in what division(like low open teams are placed div 6-5, high open teams are placed in div 4, im teams are placed in 3 - 2, main teams are placed in div 1, and invite ofcourse will be premier division).

posted about 11 years ago
#112 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion

how i see it, most of the na players say that they need to confirm with the top invite teams to join up with this idea. Because if they join etf2l/itf2l/ctf2l/ftf2l the rest of the na teams will follow. But if all the teams in NA will join in this adventure except the invite teams. They are left with no competition, with no newcommers to invite, with no new up and comming teams because all the other NA teams left esea, and joined etf2l. So they are almost obligated to follow the rest or quit the game.

So in short, (sorry for my language) fuck the invite illuminati, make your own illuminati. 1 combined league run by germans :D.

posted about 11 years ago
#151 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion

i bet that allmost everybody, that is saying this is the last season i play esea, will stil play next season in esea.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 How do I remove this in Customization
hookySome people actually like using the default HUD. I see no reason to ostracize them for that.

Alright, try this:

Place it in your custom folder like any HUD. It should work.

All it contains is this code:
		"fieldName"				"StatPanel"
		"visible"				"1"
		"enabled"				"1"
		"xpos"					"9999"
		"ypos"					"9999"
		"wide"					"266"
		"tall"					"120"
which should move the box so far off screen you can't see it.

how about just putting visible on 0 ?

posted about 11 years ago
#14 i49 Photo/Video Thread! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#21 i49 Summary in TF2 General Discussion
HoneyBadgerKoalaI don't agree, KnOxXx dropped way more ubers than usually. Not saying it was his fault but still.Other than that,Sheep was the best sniper at lan. Australians really surprised everyone with their good performance.EUs having fun with HRG's PCs NA and AU teams having each 2 players to carry the whole team (Lansky + B4nny, Sheep + Yuki)In addition to last point, Americans are preparing a revenge plan by making 2 new superteams, one of them looks really scarry, most likely they'll just smash EU at i52, but the main question is wheter they'd smash current Epsilon, however, with players retiring, we will never find out.I don't remember any drops from knoxxx other then the one to mirelin. Can you remind me when he dropped?

Also, what are those super teams that are being formed?

The headshot from jukebox when tcm was holding middle after epsilon captured second on badlands, i think it was from haunter or something not sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#421 i46 documentary in TF2 General Discussion
SylvesterWas wondering, will there happen to be a documentary for i49?

Would be cool, but i dont think so

posted about 11 years ago
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