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Signed Up December 21, 2012
Last Posted February 14, 2013 at 10:36 AM
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#20 Guys, I need help ;_; in Off Topic

Sell it and switch to Linux

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Will a Mouse Make Me Good in Hardware

Think about it like this; a good mouse can't make you good, but a bad mouse can make things harder than they need to be. Also, playing on wood surfaces has always seemed way less consistent than using a mousepad when it comes to tracking.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 New Weapon Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


Vacc Med:
- Faster uber build rate allows far more aggressive pushes, would probably be very centered around the pocket and only pushing when the opponent doesn't have uber
- "Med dm" evolves as medics learn to balance the three (two, really in 6s) damage types to maximize damage advantage, both on uber and off. Any ideas on how hard this would be, and how realistically difficult is it to kill a Vaccinated soldier with 75% damage reduction?
- Questionable whether the 10% damage reduction off uber can offset the loss of overheal rate
- High risk if you bungle the push, but can help off-uber survivability if used properly
- Anyone else think that this could stuff roamer plays pretty hard? The med could just mini-uber one bar and let the team focus the roamer for a free pick. 6v5.

Could become a much riskier, high dm team focused on playing heal/dmg advantage, no clue if it would ever beat uber in a real game.

posted about 12 years ago