kawaIt's not fucking edgy to be disappointed by an update that took 18 months to release with about 3ish months worth of content from any mid-sized developer. You're a fucking moron if you think you can cry about your fanbase being disappointed when you're sitting there getting 90% of your new content by utilizing community maps and cosmetics, not even making them in house. Tf2 updates used to be fucking great for the first 3-4 years of the game, you'd get something decent every 6-8 months at least. This update was hyped up to be a serious game changer, and valve couldn't even live up to the promise of helping out their most dedicated fanbase (competitive matchmaking) after a year and a fucking half. Go the fuck back to reddit if you can't handle people being upset when their favorite game is being ruined by awful devs. And holy fuck this roach guy, "rigorously producing updates" give me a fucking break man
To be honest, they could see huge returns by putting a few people on the tf2 staff who know what they're doing and cutting the interns who would be better off making free mobile phone games. But alas, gabe newell needs to eat his daily gold-plated truffle cake so we'll continue to have incompetent fucks behind one of the greatest games ever made
It's not edgy to be disappointed in the update, but is edgy to personally insult the small development team we're lucky enough to have even bothered to stick around. Fuck off.