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Signed Up June 7, 2015
Last Posted April 17, 2019 at 7:30 PM
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#159 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

Well, this fucking sucks. I'm gonna have to say goodbye to some memories that helped bring me into comp in the first place, or more accurately I'll say goodbye to the chances of me seeing new moments like those again, for now...

So, someone do me the favour of correcting my view from across the pond - your options appear to be:

- ESL, whatever it is they have planned and however it is laid out; seems uncertain? I like that they've at least immediately taken initiative to be like lol hi guys remember us

- RGL - no

- Another community project - who? and also, how? CEVO 2.0 booooooy

- UGC 6s

And I needed to rethink this twice before I typed this, but UGC 6s seems like the most stable option out of all of them. Either way, you can bet I'll tune in to whichever league it is that takes precedent for u bois.

posted about 5 years ago
#40 best moments of 2018 in Off Topic

- got into casting regularly with KritzKast
- realised college exists and isn't bad
- reconnected with family

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Faint Gaming passes out of Invite in News

I feel like this season of invite would've made for some good reality tv

posted about 6 years ago
#387 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

Locking this thread would be a major disservice to uberchain, and would be essentially giving power to toxicity by halting conversation on it. The longer this thread remains open and active, the more discussion takes place, ideas on how to procede like truktruk's come up, and most importantly, the community's worst fuckwits rear their heads so we know who is not worthy of being in our teams, in our leagues or on our screens.

Do not lock this thread, despite how toxic it is.

posted about 6 years ago