mustardoverlordRainofLightmustardoverlordYou don't have a full understanding of the situation and you don't know me. I don't know why you have such a strong opinion on who I am and what my intentions are.
I don't think I've ever seen a more clueless human being than you
I don't like selfish human beings who don't care about other people around them and lack empathy, so I don't like you, regardless of knowing you
I do not need to know any more about your situation because nothing about it could convince me that any serious team should give you a shot
Aight I started the thread saying NOT LOW IM but jesus christ tone it the fuck down homeboy. Rain has flaked from teams and it's one of his biggest problems but you're making him look like an irredeemable serial killer when that's totally not the case. If you've never ever interacted with him before, I don't think you get to make precise judgment calls on people based on their forum posts alone, unless there's past experience with Rain that you're not letting on about.