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Last Posted January 3, 2023 at 11:48 AM
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#59 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

I first started talking to Coyo before i69 when he donated to my fundraiser, from there we would talk regularly on steam/discord and over time it became pretty clear that he wanted to be more than just friends (as indicated by many of the screenshots). As an individual, I do not have many friends in real life and can be quite lonely at times and as such I didn’t immediately reject his advances online. This means that I would reciprocate his flirtatious behavior and somewhat lead him on. These interactions lead to him saying that he would visit me in Turkey, an idea which I was fine with at the time. I should have known that his intentions weren’t to just visit a friend.

During his stay, he tried kissing me multiple times, laying next to me in bed and trying to get me to grab him, trying to hold my hand, amongst other things. He did all of these things without my consent and after being rejected every time, he ended up staying in his room alone and crying, which made me feel bad but I still tried to spend time with him while playing scrims and showing him the area. I rejected his advances in person at every opportunity, but now I regret not making my boundaries clearer.

I didn’t know that Coyo was talking to minors at the same time, or anyone else. I thought it was worth highlighting my experience in light of the other victims coming forward, as I didn’t know of them or anyone else having such conversations with Coyo. I want to make it clear that I am not a blameless victim in this situation, and that I should have shut his advances down way sooner, I felt very pressured to care for him in some way by his constant talks of depression and obsession with me.

There was a brief period where me and KN were closer than friends, however nothing came of it and it was online only, the feelings were mutual. This is completely unrelated to this situation, but I suspect that Coyo might try using that to paint KN badly in a potential response.

posted about 2 years ago