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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up November 4, 2015
Last Posted December 13, 2020 at 12:48 PM
Posts 190 (0.1 per day)
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Fuxxlow qual selfie

this guys fuxxs

posted about 6 years ago
#28 What did you get for Christmas? in Off Topic

hob nobs

posted about 6 years ago
#24 post ITT for a vocaroo in Off Topic

Please say, "How long have I been here? How long have these acts of human depravity been allowed to continue? Should I continue? Should I continue to follow this path set for me, or write my own story? Should I continue to abuse these meaningless acts of self-hate? Have I experienced an ego death and transcended beyond a human mind and being? No, that’s not possible, I am still forming human thoughts and sentences that any man could understand. Can anyone hear this? I’ve lost all feeling, but somehow I still know that I am feeling. I feel a repetitive dreadful vibe every time I step outside of this motel room. Maybe I should continue to exist here and make it my existential domain. I have everything I could ever need. I am a god to my people. I show mercy where it is fit and fury where it is necessary. My people will never disobey me, they will follow me into the ether with no second guesses. Mindless drones, foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to serve something they don’t understand. Something they will never understand. Do I even understand? Or have I deluded myself into thinking I am the only one who understands? What is there to understand? These questions haunt me, sinking into my brain like quicksand. Count to 3, one two three. Now count to 5, one two three four five. Inhale, then exhale. There is nothing wrong. Everything has always been right. You were never meant to worry, never meant to be scared. Yet here you are, scared like a child who’s lost his mother at the supermarket. Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, cry, go to sleep, wake up, go to work. When was the last time something was beautiful? When was the last time something was so beautiful it made you feel unimportant and useless? I want to love. I want to feel. Help. Help me. Help. The walls are closing in and suffocating me also tabasco flavored cheez Its are fucking amazing, I could eat a box and a half in one sitting and not even give a toot. What are you thinking? Do you think? Are you just a figment of my imagination. Is all of this a dream? If I am god why do I not recall creating the universe? I am the star-child. I have transcended. It burns when I pee. Please stop the pee pee burn. Why do my pee pee burn? Please help my pee pee is like fire. Twinks will rule the earth and it will be mandatory to listen their indie/shoegaze albums on bandcamp. Can’t wait to hear another song about how you have to get away or how you still love that one girl from highschool, but now you’re 24 and it’s getting kind of pathetic. Beep boop bop my pee pee still burns. I hold the tip of my penis in agony oh god why the pee pee burn? Why oh why the pee pee burn????? The packers are looking good to win the superbowl this year. Touch-down hailmarry buy bud light and punch your wife then drive home and flip your Chevy truck into a ditch and burn alive. Throw the ol’ pigskin with your son who you never loved and never wanted to have in the first place. He will grow up and drink twice as much bud light as you. He will go to coachella each year annually and trip mdma and acid till he feels like a color. The color purple. He will come out to you as a transgender furry and you will masturbate to the thought in secret. Flip a coin. Make a decision. Should you buy the new 4k resolution Xbox or ps4? Shovel shit into your mouth until you cum. Why does it burn when I cum?? Please help the cum burn send me an email on how to stop the pee pee and cum burn. Pee Pee burn why why help me with pee pee burn my pee pee should not burn why my pee pee burn help my poor burning pee pee."

posted about 6 years ago
#1680 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Nice providing little to why it is 'pretty bad' song instead saying what you don't like about it
Your song reminds me of playing gta with my sister at midnight with a reheated pizza while my parents sleep but I feel like I have to call it a bad song just to spite you.
new mgmt is pretty rad

posted about 6 years ago
#1672 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

I have lost track of all these indie genres. I like it, its got a ton of cool chords in there but I am not a fan of the singing

posted about 6 years ago
#14 throwing in Esports

I remember having to play a 5v6 against a team that was significantly better than us and we just ended up throwing. I'm still not sure if it was a good idea but I know that it wouldn't have been fun to try and get destroyed round after round. Plus I think we gave them all the rounds so they could make playoffs. I think throwing in a 6v6 is not a good idea and should be looked down upon.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 bass guitar in Music, Movies, TV

did you read this through before posting
edit: don't mind the idea of the post, just a little oddly stated

posted about 7 years ago
#1633 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
ideekaei like the vibes but it lasts less than 2 minutes :(

I like it, but the music video was a little odd.

posted about 7 years ago
#1627 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
zanaoh, love arctic monkeys dude

Makes me wish I was 16 again

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Anyone well versed in python language? in Off Topic

ctr + f " the "

posted about 7 years ago
#1613 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

going to reboot this thread again because I like it

not a fan of the metal in general but I definitely see why people like it. The video is almost like someone in the metal community watched a lot of edm videos.
a really hipster song i found on a radio station

posted about 7 years ago
#176 Post in this thread and I will compliment you in Off Topic

I like your music taste vecc

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Really Powerful Images in The Dumpster

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Planning to give up in life in Off Topic
This is fucking terrible advice for someone who is depressed
Have you ever done psychedelics in the middle of a depressive period of your life?
I have, it works. Still takes effort to overcome your problems, but it massively helps you find and commit to new goals that give your life meaning. It's not coke/ meth.

I understand that some people quote psychedelics to be the cure to some mental disease but you have absolutely no idea how psychedelics will affect him. With my relatively limited experience with salvia, I can say that psychedelics can be absolutely magical but not everyone responds to them well and especially if you have preexisting mental conditions like depression you probably shouldn't experiment with that until after you have fixed your problems.

As for my advice, I would say that sitting yourself down and asking why you exactly you feel depressed and work on that one thing. I found this helped when I was in a particularly bad slump. I would also see if maybe things like TF2 are making things worse instead of helping. I know I used to use TF2 as an escape instead of facing my problems.

I know I can't really help you because I do not know what your position is like but maybe someone putting the care into writing a paragraph can make you feel that you are not worthless like I used to think I was.

posted about 7 years ago
#52 the my b thread in Off Topic
OppeboI'm sorry for bullying whsh

I'm sorry caltrops,puzza,and nation for making your first season as uneventful and hectic as it was.I feel like that was what made you quit and i could have done better as a team captain to improve that experience but i didn't work hard enough.

sorry for being a dumb idiot on the team oftentimes

posted about 7 years ago
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