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Last Posted March 4, 2025 at 3:16 PM
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#3 I Think The 6v6 Meta Team Composition Is Flawed in TF2 General Discussion

hello, i quit this game years ago but i just started binging s17 because i like watching soapymeister and kobe1920

2 things i notice (and i recognize this might be a funny shitpost but im doing nothing else rn):

you can slap down the mini and forget about it and at that point you're running with the same speed as the medic and demo

if the other team has any explosive spam classes up, isnt it a bad idea to stand right next to the two (as you already noted) most powerful classes?

the pyro stuff

i just checked botmodes last logs and it lines up with what i remember invite scout accuracy to be, around 70%. If two scouts with this level of accuracy decide to focus you at mid range (where your flamethrower cannot hit) and say a demo is spamming you and maybe their roamer is jumping past or w/e, what is the upside versus being a scout yourself and dodging etc.

no hate of course, theory crafting is fun. let us know if you try this comp and it works :)

posted 3 weeks ago
#1 one time in Off Topic

like several years ago i remember playing a koth_product faceit pug with this dude who was pissed because the other team had better players. he was just going off and dying because why even try, were just gonna lose. it was like 3-0 for the other team and the rest of us were getting kind of annoyed. eventually he just said something like "i think were going to lose this because were shit" and our medic was like "i think you need fix your attitude" but in a really chill way, that was kind of like "im just tryna help my dude :)".

and then for some reason, he did.
and we almost came back, barely losing 4-3, like a 0:00 to 0:03 second diff

idk, just something to think about.
have a nice day bros :)

posted 5 months ago
#99 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
goronodo u guys think these people have ever explored each other's bodies?

gorono did you ever beat that final boss in elden ring?

posted 7 months ago
#22 Guidelines: Writing a TFTV Post that is Successful in Q/A Help

- never bump 2 year old threads!!!
- Tynnyri
- lmao
- never edit posts you made, seriously dude write it well the first time >:I

posted 7 months ago
#4 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic

bet it cant ctap

posted 10 months ago
#48 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

why dont we ban all the classes and have the two teams collectively play a chess match to win rgl grand finals

posted 11 months ago

um, congrats to poseidons friend for getting married?? crazy how its been this long an no ones said that yet

posted about a year ago
#58 lack of postive energry in the community in TF2 General Discussion
nablaawesome words

some come back just to read tftv posts but then they see "lack of postive energry in the community" and leave again lol
tf community would be fun psych study i think

posted about a year ago
#6 rahThread: Local true crime in Off Topic

removed, this sht was actually a lil too personal lol

posted about a year ago
#19 eSports scene in Esports
capnnofapnThe hideous jerseys need to go. Since what you're wearing doesn't really matter for any functional reason, why don't esports players wear stuff that actually looks good? Players could get sponsored by those instagram companies that try to sell you those japanese joggers that make you look like a ninja. Imagine how lame magnus carlsen would look in a houston outlaws jersey.

ur tellin me that when u see porsche on a FaZe jersey u dont immediately want to purchase a 911?

imagining esports teams dripped out like ninjas is quite fun tho fr

posted about a year ago
#2 TF2 update for 1/9/24 (1/10/24 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

massive L for that 1 person playing TF2 on their windows 7 gaming desktop :(

posted about a year ago
#39 what does pocket soldier DO? in TF2 General Discussion

didnt yomps run shotgun in i63? in like the grand finals? iirc that team was still really fast transitioning so idk if shotgun slows down the game that much. but maybe was too long ago so not "current meta"? its ok seinfeld, i also dont know :(

posted about a year ago
#16 enemy target prioritization in TF2 General Discussion

well first you have to find what site or position their awper is playing, then you can try to exec the opposite site but really thats up to your igl

posted about 2 years ago
#9 The Best Ingame Sens for Scouts? in TF2 General Discussion

haha 4? haha thats pretty average. big even, hahaha. king

posted about 2 years ago
#16 spaceship DM leaderboard + tournament in Projects

does no one else play dm just to vibe to music and shoot enemies (and not have to deal with random crits or respawn times)

posted about 2 years ago
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