i'd appreciate the name change to gregg since i signed up with this name when i was still a semen
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198083863043 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:123597315] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:61798657 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | October 20, 2014 |
Last Posted | October 13, 2016 at 1:06 PM |
Posts | 6 (0 per day) |
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In-game Sensitivity | |
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Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
Quick question about sensitivity <1
well i use 1200 dpi and 0.8 ingame and never had any negative reaction from the game
posted about 8 years ago
Scatter Aim Help
Q/A Help
d4m0MuffinDaFluffini thought this was a nice communityTf2's community might be but that says nothing about tftv's. Anyway try chris' net settings as posted above. They'll probably help.
Thank you
posted about 10 years ago
Scatter Aim Help
Q/A Help
Hello, When i play scout or any hit scan needed class in 6's my hitreg never works like it should. As scout i get alot of meatshots and can do decently but 90% of meatshots never register. I see sparks but no damage. Ihave good internet conection. Im from europe and i get max 100 ping on USA servers. Anyhelp or advice i can us. If so please tell me
posted about 10 years ago
Increasing scout aim
TF2 General Discussion
When i play as scoot i get alot of meatshot chances but when i shoot my scattergun i get sparks and no damage. This happens alot and its really putting me down..... anyhelp?
posted about 10 years ago