Kave_JohnsongrillzThe original question being "Would you support this?" has only been answered by, like, two people. The rest have been going off on tangents or entirely misinterpreting the purpose.Kave_JohnsonI'm still looking for actual responses to the question and not confusions about promods and junk.
i think you have your answer about support then...
So no.
read #41 to understand #39 (its the same point I made twice)
comp != pubs
There's a reason why its the same 5 people responding to you... weapon balance is an issue, but not a big enough of an issue for comp players (tf.tv community) to support "a TF2 mod/plugin".
With that said, the comp community can make a difference and have... guys like cyzer/extine are in contact with robin all the time. Cyzer was even given the duty to hand out invites to the TF2 Beta before it was a public thing...