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Signed Up December 15, 2023
Last Posted December 25, 2023 at 12:15 AM
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#2431 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsPlayers are expected to reduce performance in this game, unfortunately without optimizations to the game's code itself, it can't really improve.

part that makes no sense is that some maps, everyone running unusuals, game will run upwards of 150 fps stable with a ton of stuff going on but tank to sub 30 when there's barely any activity beyond people standing around

doesn't feel directly caused by players, just that players seem to be a common correlating element when it happens

posted about a year ago
#2428 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I've got an issue and no clue how to resolve it, and i've tried for months to do so. Everything from a fresh install, configs, to using process lasso, nothing fixes it.

Players cause massive FPS drops. Nothing else changes my FPS significantly.

I've got a i7-6700K, 16gb of ddr4 ram, and a 3060ti, and don't have anywhere near the same performance problems elsewhere.

posted about a year ago