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Signed Up November 25, 2012
Last Posted February 26, 2013 at 8:23 PM
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#9 FuRy (Ninetales) LFT Scout open backup in Recruitment (looking for team)

Only the best... He carried our team so hard, it wasn't even funny...

posted about 12 years ago
#8 Roamer/scout looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

My team is maybe low-mid open... We just lost a lot of our really good players cause they couldn't commit the time... If you're interested add me:

posted about 12 years ago
#11 LF Starting Pocket -- (Low-Open) Shiny -- in Recruitment (looking for team)

Get me another Solider!!!

Our roamer has gotten busy, and can't commit the time... We need someone asap! Add me if you are interested.

At this point, we are looking for someone who can finish the season... Someone with dedication who wants to play with our team. We lost a lot of our really good players, and would expect the best out of our starters. Its not too late! You can still join a team... Were also playing UGC for fun, and will be doing that once ESEA ends in a few weeks...

posted about 12 years ago
#8 LF Starting Pocket -- (Low-Open) Shiny -- in Recruitment (looking for team)

Thanks for the interest.

Giving this a nice bump...

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LF Starting Pocket -- (Low-Open) Shiny -- in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello there!

You are in the right place if you are interested in playing with my team. We are currently seeking a Starting Pocket or Roamer for our team.

Shiny is a new team this season, that have dramatically improved since we first started last month. Both our soldiers have busier schedules and have decided to take a break for a while. So, we need you!

What will be expected of you... Our pocket was very good, into his game, and into team coordination. You will be expected to deal damage, make combo plays, and help make combo calls. He did most damage from our combo and know when to get in and out with ubers.

Our roamer was very good at watching flank, he made great calls, and responded very well to incoming pushes. He dealt major damage and was able to defend himself and our flank quite well.

What my team is like... Shiny has some of the friendliest people, we hang out after scrims on other peoples servers talking about gameplay and maps XD. We also review demos frequently, sometimes with our mentors. Yes, we have mentors... :D

What to expect for us... Since we are new this season, we are not anything high-open. We expect you to have control of your emotions and not jet off into rants or get mad easily when we lose. Yes, we will lose. We want a dedicated chill person who is easy to get along with, that is constructive, but not bossy. We have real lives, so don't get mad when we can't scrim every Friday and Saturday.

We scrim very often, unexpectedly throughout the week (because esea teams have a hard time keeping appointments), around 8-11pm est.

Overall, my team is very dedicated, we work hard and always look for ways to improve.

We are looking to give tryouts immediately and fill our spot!
Have a nice day...


posted about 12 years ago
#5 LF Team and Medic Mentor in Mentoring


Still looking for Team Mentor...

A team mentor would be great, for critiquing, and telling us overall what we can improve on.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 (Low-Open) LF Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

My team Badwolf is looking for a solid backup Roamer.

We are all pretty dedicated, like to scrim often, and will hang out after-hours talking about random things, playing tf2.

We want you to also be chill and willing to learn. All that good stuff.

Let's chat.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 Vick LFT, Open Pocket/Roamer/Med? in Recruitment (looking for team)

Found a team?

posted about 12 years ago
#3 LF Team and Medic Mentor in Mentoring


I'm only asking for a mentor in this thread...

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LF Team and Medic Mentor in Mentoring

I am personally looking for a medic mentor for ESEA open. My team is newer, I have played medic quite a lot, have some 6s experience, but not much.

Also, my team is looking for an overall mentor to help us with strats and things...

That would be great.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Low-Open LF Backup Solider in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey there.

My team is LF reliable backup Solider, preferably roamer (our current roamer can pocket when necessary).

Were looking for someone chill, who is looking for a little bit of gametime here and there.

We hope to get someone skilled, with a little more experience, so that we don't suffer when they are brought in.

Were newer to ESEA, so we prefer if you can take some losing and not rage. I'm also very open to someone with a lot of experience who may want to be on our team to mentor us.

Hit me up if you're interested. Thanks. -Song

posted about 12 years ago
#4 LF Starter Scout + Backups (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Update: Found a starter scout.
-Still seeking backups.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LF Starter Scout + Backups (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Badwolf, a new team to esea is looking for:
-Starter Scout (looking for a team-orientated scout, with good comms, willing to make plays with our other scout, be creative with gameplay, and has a decent aim).
-Backup Scout
-Backup Solider (roamer/pocket)

We try to focus on teamwork, and the most important aspect of our team is a good attitude. I don't like drama, and prefer people who don't rage when we lose.

- Must have a mic
- Teamplayer, good listener/responder
- Willing to put time into practices/improving
- At least 16 years of age
- Don't be rude
- Pay your own fees

If interested, contact me...

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Recruitment Forum Sticky in Site Discussion

Also, may I suggest different sections for levels... IM should only look at one place, and recruitment for other leagues should also be considered.

After all, this is a place for all tf2 competitive things...

posted about 12 years ago
#1 UGC 6s (Steel) LF Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello. I have a pretty awesome team named Badwolf, who will be playing in the UGC steel next season.

We seem to be mid-high(steel not IM) at the moment, and may be high if we get the right person. We have started scrimming, and will be focusing on teamwork. We have servers, so, don't worry.

The most important aspect of our team is a good attitude.

We are currently seeking:
-Starter Scout (looking for a team-orientated scout, with good comms, willing to make plays with our other scout, and has a decent aim).
-Backup Scout
-Backup Solider (roamer/pocket)

- At least 400 hours of gameplay
- Must have a mic
- Teamplayer, good listener/responder
- Willing to put time into our community, play other games/practice
- At least 16 years of age
- Don't be rude

Thanks, contact me if interested:

posted about 12 years ago