mustardoverlordaieraflufnWhy do you care so much sheepy, you're not even American.
tfw when you talk shit despite him being right
he is definitely not right when he calls for people to vote trump over hillary because "she is a literal criminal"
putting aside the fact that trump, by that criteria, is also a literal criminal, the idea of voting for ANY anti-establishment candidate over a "real" politician no matter what their policy positions is ridiculous
and anyone who jumps parties before voting for the lesser of two evils is horribly misinformed
The thing is though Hillary has actually broken laws and compromised national security, Trump has done some ethically shady stuff but he hasn't flat out broken the law and sent Americans to their death in order to make a few million.
About Sheepy, despite not being particularly informed, has the right to have an opinon on this, everyone does. Maybe some Americans don't realize that America is by far the most powerful and influential nation in the world. The reason Europe and most of the western world can get away with having such small militaries(look at NATO members who border Russia) is because they are allied with the US.