Pretty true nge. I'm guessing you were on Classic Mix^ in s3. Put a team with 3 invites and 6 from an esea-im team (all of avoided) and its a pretty sick combination. The gamesense of mix^ that season was good to watch.
You guys came in from competitive into a league of a lot of pub players or people that played 8's. It's steadily formed a better metagame and pulled a lot more competitive people into the scene.
I guess I'm not really here to argue for or against the wrangler. Our team generally didn't use it that often. We had bman running mini sentries running around with his shotgun. Take away wrangler and maps would for sure go a lot faster. I'd much rather valve just nerf it like they have a majority of the actual good weapons....but for some reason they dont seem to care about this one. And I know a lot of people have emailed them about it and it hasnt changed a thing. Every time we've held a poll it seems to go 70/30 to allow/ban. Those that dont think its overpowered either dont vote, or vote against the ban. But the ones that hate are fewer. There's always the gentlemen's agreement to just not use it if the other team also hates it.