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SteamID64 76561198065877269
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Country United States
Signed Up January 23, 2017
Last Posted March 5, 2025 at 1:58 AM
Posts 117 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.133
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
280 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Model O- Wireless (currently using wired)
Keyboard hyperx tenkeyless red switches
Mousepad Glorious Ice Glass Mousepad
Headphones logitech g332
Monitor asus vg259qmy and cheap 75hz 2nd monitor
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#286 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

I really despise the way these open pugs function. It almost always picks low elo teams and fat kids everyone with higher elo unless they are literally required for the pug to happen. Sometimes it picks teams with high elo players, but it is a rarity. I have been fatkidded 5 times in a row from open pugs before, and what else am I supposed to do when captain pugs either aren't alive, or I straight up cannot get picked because its all top invite players? I have no choice. Players with 1200 elo can add up and get picked instantly.

People are literally not trying to win open pugs, and many are just throwing pugs or not really trying that hard to win them. If they win pugs and gain elo they end up not getting picked. I don't know why we are incentivizing losing in our Competitive League's pug website. I think it's pathetic that it is a prevalent mentality and actual reality of using this website.

I cannot force people to add up captain, so I am forced to add up to open pugs in order to play. At the very least I should have a shot of being picked if I add up. Especially because I do play a large amount of medic pugs to make the pugs actually happen.

I am begging you Dolphin please.
I cannot play actual seasons of RGL so this is all I have.

posted 1 day ago
#34 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion

https://youtu.be/-TTL23KEMlQ?si=HMD3QrMyZpxxeVY7&t=358 - interesting target selection

https://youtu.be/-TTL23KEMlQ?si=yh0zc5chS_SH4m6c&t=437 - actual perfect tracking on both soldiers

https://youtu.be/-TTL23KEMlQ?si=mLqV-zq1P4co1Vkc&t=537 - perfect tracking on medic for some reason





IDK man maybe he is just the best player on earth and his hand can just glue his crosshair to players and can factor in both their movement and his own without ever overtracking or undertracking.

posted 1 week ago
#7 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion

I could totally report this guy to RGL anticheat and wait for them. I could also make a post and convince everyone not to play with him because it literally isn't fair to play with him.

It is crazy right now that not only is Still added to pugs, but so is the guy that this thread was posted about.

Really cool!

posted 2 weeks ago
#5 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion

You can explain away some of this but I have no idea how or why he can track and flick someone at the same time. You can watch the demo too and find that he literally is clueless on how to play the game. He just happens to make his crosshair hit his target, except for when he is so off he doesn't even try to move his crosshair back. You will find very few braincells in this gameplay.

Also he is literally friends and played on the same team as this guy. He is literally in the video too.

Edit: here is the demo, but you can probably choose any demo and find some cool stuff

posted 2 weeks ago
#163 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos


posted 3 weeks ago
#20 KTB/r0cket_wizard LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very powerful player. Grinds and practices before every game.

posted 1 month ago
#33 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News


posted 2 months ago
#79 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


This player is either cheating, or clearly an alt. I say this because they only have 1 year of history of playing competitive TF2, yet have a strange start. At the beginning of their log history you can clearly see they are either not new, or are extremely good at aiming. They have a whole host of logs that raise some questions, such as:

12/13/23 https://logs.tf/3546387#76561198403965385
12/13/23 https://logs.tf/3546398#76561198403965385
12/13/23 https://logs.tf/3546404#76561198403965385

This player started playing on this same day, and dropped these logs. They are playing against mostly newcomer/players with no experience. However, even still they are hitting above 70% acc on scattergun. Maybe they are a once in a lifetime prodigy, but I find that not very convincing.

If you look through their STEAMIDUK profile, you will find a very interesting trend. You will find that a large number of this accounts oldest friends are all vac or game banned, as you will see here:


Just by clicking through many of their friends, you will find that many of them share groups with minaaj, and who knows, maybe some are alts of minaaj. Looking at one of their friends you can even find that they share this group:


What is very interesting about this group is that literally everyone in this group is game or VAC banned. This is very suspicious to me.
Now I am not proving anything by just raising these red flags. Looking at their demos and pointing out things that look suspicious is kinda useless unless we have their POV demos. I am just saying here that this person is very likely cheating or could be an alt of someone else.

Looking through their steam history shows that this account has been seemingly active for a while before getting into comp tf2, so is unlikely to be an alt IMO. Their own steam profile even has tons of comments calling them out for cheating.

I would encourage RGL Admins to look at the report I sent and maybe prompt some demo requests that the community can look through, as a normal player does not have all of these red flags. Maybe I am wrong that they are cheating, but it is still a big deal that an alt account was able to play the divisions they played.

posted 2 months ago
#3 what is the best scout clip of all time in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#66 rahThread: Comp is not viewed well to casuals in TF2 General Discussion

As a player that experienced low level pugs and climbed my way out of them, I can say that the reason why it was a good thing to not have offclasses full time is that they are just worse classes. A team trying to push with a pyro and a sniper into last with uber advantage can be very difficult. Even missing 1 scout or 1 soldier can make it much more difficult to push doors, especially into last. It becomes apparent very quickly that its literally trolling to keep offclassing like that, but low level players may know that its very cringe instinctively. I bet if you took a team that rolled out to process mid on sniper, pyro, heavy against an advanced team, they could just cap the point in your face nearly every time because these classes lack mobility or range.

Obviously no one cares about offclassing on last, but offclassing on second and mid is just worse almost all of the time. The only exceptions are sniper and spy. Obviously low-level pug snipers aren't going to be very effective, and if people play spy all the time, it is no longer effective, therefore it generally goes back to cookiecutter being the standard.

Low level players don't often know how to exploit the disadvantages of having these classes, but you can still bet that the team with the cookie cutter classes will win mid more often than the offclass team. If they can win mid more, they will generally win more. It is not a question why they teach them cookie cutter. It is because it will win them games. TF2 isn't really a game of class counters on 5CP. You play the most damaging, fastest, and highest ranged characters if you want to win and press your advantages.
If you are at a disadvantage, then the offclasses can be used effectively in very clear criteria. The offclasses themselves other than sniper don't really require any skill to be used effectively. A heavy or engineer setting up on last, a pyro airblasting the uber on maps like gullywash, a spy backstabbing a medic, or even a sniper sitting in spawn watching an angle, these all don't require much teaching or learning to be effective.

It isn't like I or most players still playing today discovered that this class composition is very effective. TF2 players from the stone age of competitive realized that it is powerful and fun to play, because soldier, demo, and scout are actually very full of skill expression, and very good at killing enemy players without also blowing up.

posted 5 months ago
#20 hey what food do you guys like in TF2 General Discussion

Beef stew is yummy

posted 6 months ago
#1 Stream request in Requests

I would like my twitch link changed to twitch.tv/shiningstar_tf

It was previously twitch.tv/shining_hellstar

posted 6 months ago
#12 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoap text

I don't understand what you mean by "what needs to be done" or by adapt. We can't stop extremely toxic and horrible people from saying things over the internet. RGL does ban the people who are that extremely toxic, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to say those things and to harass ROL in various ways. I don't know what the "real issue at heart" is supposed to be.

Obviously ROL needs help, but what is the community as a whole supposed to do to help, or even prevent this? Mental illness does not excuse threatening others with death. We are not babysitters, and most of us are not friends or even close to ROL in the first place. We already try to exclude people that are horrible toxic and not good for the community.

Most of what I have experienced and heard about regarding ROL's pleas for help, is that they are mostly about being banned from RGL. It could be possible I am completely mistaken but, that is my experience, and with that information I obviously chose to do nothing because what was I supposed to do?
99.9% of players in this community are not like ROL, and would not threaten RGL staff members because they got banned from RGL.

A sad reality of some mental illnesses is that they don't get better with time. Sometimes they become worse and become more difficult to treat. Someone who was coping well a few years ago may struggle more in the present. It can happen regardless of what a person's life situation is like.

I don't think ROL would have threatened RGL staff and b4nny if she never got banned from RGL, but that isn't an acceptable response to a situation she put herself by her own free will. I don't think RGL can do anything. The only community leader we have other than RGL is b4nny, and I don't think he is at fault for ROL's behavior. Is b4nny supposed to have done something to prevent/stop ROL from snapping like this?

I don't think the response to ROL's posts/threats is to unban her because she will kill herself. That is very self-explanatory I hope.

Ultimately all we can do is hope she gets treatment that can help her, and for those who are actually close to ROL to support her. I don't think our community can help her by bending the rules and putting others in possible danger.

*edit - I removed parts that said ROL threatened b4nny. I don't think ROL has ever threatened b4nny with any violence. She was banned from RGL for supposedly threatening to harm RGL staff, but I have no evidence for what threatened means, and the specific staff may have actually had a vendetta against ROL. I am sorry for that.

posted 7 months ago
#1 Cat Posse LFP Medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

Pocket Scout: Shining Star
Flank Scout: Della
Pocket Soldier: KTB
Roamer Soldier: Toss
Demoman: Kurama
Medic: HubertTheFish
full roster
Contact me on Steam

posted 10 months ago
#4 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted 10 months ago
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