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Last Posted February 19, 2015 at 8:49 PM
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#10 AIRPOGO: Helpful tips and tricks in Videos
wonderlandand on that note do you have distances compared to a regular sticky jump?
the one in the video can be done with a regular jump np

Yes, but distance depends of the type of jump you're looking for, if you want to go higher, get closer/above to the sticky (for example, vertical airpogo), if you want to go "flat" just get far away, but when i'm airpogoing, I'm allways at 1 step ahead from the sticky.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 AIRPOGO: Helpful tips and tricks in Videos
I don't know what you're on about with jump+crouch like a soldier, thats just bad technique for both classes (unless you want a shorter controlled jump etc)

Oh, hi wonderland, a pleasure to meet you...

Well... as i said in the video, because lots of people jump using jump+crouch, also a jumper told me yesterday that he didn't knew about "crouchjump", and he allways jumped like a soldier (jump+crouch).

wonderlandalso dunno how crouchjump is like ctap, its literally a normal jump the way you're supposed to do it. you press crouch first for safety. its textbook

I do it same way as CTAP... that's what i mean. And works pretty good for me. Maybe you're right and it was my bad for calling it "crouchjump". Should it be Demoman CTAP? In that case, i'd love to correct and reupload the video but my time is not enough at the moment :(

(...)the keys pressed during the jump. To clarify: (tap)crouch (i talk about how long to hold crouch in the video), jump+shoot(...) anarchay.

Source: video description


posted about 10 years ago
#1 AIRPOGO: Helpful tips and tricks in Videos

All the basics of airpogo, for beginners... and not so beginners.
You must practice a lot now to realize when you are going too fast and tap S. That's the hard part of airpogo, it super hard to explain, maybe impossible.


Thank you very much and see you next time.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 #1 Demoman Trick Jumper in Videos

Hello guys, thank you so much for the comments, i appreciate them... and a giant thank you to Tort, he did a great work, the music is fantastic, also the cameras... are impressive, thank you big man.

Makswhere can I find that city map?

I uploaded mine one, here you go buddy:

Thank you guys, i will see you next time.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 NO PAIN NO GAIN - A Tf2 Jump Short in Videos

Hey, thank you guys.
And a very big thanks to Exile, you did a great work. I enjoyed this a lot.

See you next video folks.

posted about 10 years ago