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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted January 23, 2018 at 3:25 AM
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#158 The nicest player? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#95 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

Halfway finished, need more demos

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Fragmovie democall (community/team/player) in Videos


Here, use some of these. I'm working with them but I see potential in you young one

posted about 8 years ago
#91 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
RoLikpureRestarted this project, using every link that still works. Feel free to submit.these are just the demos listed in my events from the last month + the events log


posted about 8 years ago
#87 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

Restarted this project, using every link that still works. Feel free to submit.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Made a new Highlight movie in Videos
fstiv_thanks i guess :c edgy community

Keep at it. When I first started, Gotfrag ripped me to shreds every time I shared a video.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

I have a total of 208 demos including everything sent in on this thread and steam. Thank you everyone, I wasn't expecting any more than 40. Before I end up with 500 demos and get behind schedule I'm moving the deadline up to December 15th, 2015. Sorry for any inconvenience.


posted about 9 years ago
#42 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
Kanecodo you accept dh frags? (I got a twitch skybox airshot)

I'll watch whatever you send me.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
CrayonNippleThree frag clips

your alias is weird

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
Corsawhen do you want these demos by? i have a bunch that i can look through with some time.

December 31st. After that if I feel I like need more as I edit the video i'll bump the thread. Amazing response so far I wasn't expecting this many. Thanks to everyone who took the time to upload demos even those who linked me stuff they uploaded a year ago lol

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
scout 5k but i miss once and look like a doofus and run away

Don't worry if I use the clip i'll make you look good

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

Thanks everyone, keep them coming.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

Hey, Its been 2 years since we did it last... lets do it again. I would like you to be a part of the community frag video I am making. Frags from matches, scrims, pugs and lobbies are all accepted. It wouldn't really make sense if I didn't accept lobby frags for a community video. This video will only feature frags from 6v6 please refrain from sending me highlander footage. Submit pov demos of flashy kills, airshots, quick streaks. We're going to make something special together.

If you'd like to be a part of it please title your demos in the following order: alias_map_tick (e.g. ikpure_badlands_25k)

Please upload your demos to a file-sharing website of your choice and link them below.

Previous work: https://www.youtube.com/user/ikpure

Deadline to submit demos: December 15, 2015

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Prestige by ikpure in Videos
BLoodSireOf course the window for sniping is so small in matched competitive play, it would take a very long time to collect frags of this caliber, not merely because it is harder to do so against better teams, but because the opportunity to enact this level skill simply isn't there when your team needs a 2nd scout/2nd soldier. Any vid that wants to highlight sniping will run into this problem. It's why the -AA- vid took ages for Jh to make. And that was even when the map pool catered more to sniping and players then didn't respect snipers as they do today.

The footage is great, the skill is great, the editing is great, and that is good enough for me. 10/10

I was 13 years old when the Auto Aim movie came out 7 years ago. I can't even remember how many times I've seen it. It changed the way people viewed how the sniper class should be played in tf2. I've looked up to you ever since. Its what inspired me to start frapsing my pub footage. I've made hundreds of videos where i was just learning how to edit, trying to get better. All of which were deleted long ago because they were terrible. Now I'm being asked to be part of the production team for a pilot episode of a tv series simply based on a show reel i created of my frag videos. Although thats great and all and will definitely help pay off my tuition it can't compare to the feeling i get knowing bloodfuckingsire thought my video was a 10/10. Thank you.

sorry for bumping thread, just saw his comment

posted about 9 years ago
aim-A lot of you guys are showing your true colors, yikes. I'm sure that the Quran doesn't say kill for the hell of it knowing that none of you guys have read it for yourselves and just cherry picking verses. The media has done an exceptional job of pretty much nailing people of the Islamic race as a whole. No it's not just extremists of Islam but a certain sect of the Sunnis.

Just please stop bashing the religion in this thread if you're viewing it from an outsiders perspective!

Some facts for you. Don't generalize Sunnis because 90% of all muslims are Sunnis. Thats 90% of 1.6 billion people and not all of them are extremists I mean come on there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world if Islam bred terror everyone would be dead by now. The combines forces in total of Islamic State, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda makes up 0.003% of the global muslim population. Less than 2% of all terror attacks are carried out in the name of Islam. I've read the entire Quran, I've read the Bible as well. That doesn't make me an expert on this topic at all but its enough to prove to me that the majority of the people who posted in this thread about Islam haven't read the Quran and are forming prejudice opinions on Islam through their cherry picked verses of the Quran. The same people aren't able to put those verses into context or know what they actually mean because they lack the background knowledge to do so.

posted about 9 years ago
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