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Signed Up November 16, 2018
Last Posted November 16, 2018 at 5:48 AM
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#5683 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
infernorazI've been having problems with hud_reloadscheme whilst trying to create a custom HUD. When I try to view changes to the player health, it constantly appears with the following error:

Failed to load resource/UI/HudItemEffectMeter_Action.res
resource/UI/HudItemEffectMeter_Action.res missing ContinuousProgressBar field "ItemEffectMeter"

I already have an info.vdf file on in the HUD folder with the ui_version set to 3 and nothing changes...

Please help

Don't worry about this, I managed to fix this

posted about 6 years ago
#5682 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I've been having problems with hud_reloadscheme whilst trying to create a custom HUD. When I try to view changes to the player health, it constantly appears with the following error:

Failed to load resource/UI/HudItemEffectMeter_Action.res
resource/UI/HudItemEffectMeter_Action.res missing ContinuousProgressBar field "ItemEffectMeter"

I already have an info.vdf file on in the HUD folder with the ui_version set to 3 and nothing changes...

Please help

posted about 6 years ago