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Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted April 15, 2014 at 7:42 PM
Posts 36 (0 per day)
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#25 in Videos
High production value

does that mean you don't allow videos that are just frags and music?

posted about 10 years ago
#87 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization
2cis there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?
alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"

maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Unusual Server Bans in TF2 General Discussion

im assuming you have a bind that tries to do rcon commands, I think it autobans after too many tries

posted about 10 years ago
#83 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization
]con_filter_enable 1
]con_filter_text "1"
]echo 123; echo 145; echo 1hello; echo 1$()(*&^#$

will echo "123 145 1hello 1$()(*&^#$" all on one line as long the echo begins with a "1"
This should be promising. looks like con_filter_text filters out line breaks

posted about 10 years ago
#81 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization
JarateKingYou can only echo on a per line basis, so you need to set up each possible line beforehand. In tictactoe, there are three possible states for each spot on the board (X, O, and empty), with three spots on the board for each row. 3^3 is 27, so a total of 27 different echos will need to be made. For a game like chess, there are a total of 13 different states (each team's 6, and then empty) with 8 spots in each row. 13^8 is 815730721, meaning you'd need 815730721 different echos for each possible state of each row and set things up appropriately for that. If you somehow managed this, this'd be 60 gigabytes big just for a game of chess. That's not even taking into account how much more difficult the logic of the game would be to implement.

Yeah I thought about that, but at least the actual logic behind a game like chess wouldn't be too bad. It sucks that you cant push variables into echos. I guess the world will have to be content with text adventure chess.

cool game btw

edit: I just remembered that I would sometimes get the occasional glitch that puts two echos on the same line, maybe there's an ugly buggy work around. I'll get back to you on that one.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization
MoistMelonsmage24365how would you go about binding q to switch between the current toggle for slot 1 and 2? so by pressing t, it toggles the set of viewmodel settings, and pressing q switches between slot 1 and 2 of that current viewmodel setting.

alias q3 q1
alias q1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog; alias q3 q2"
alias q2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog; alias q3 q1"
bind q "q3"

posted about 10 years ago
#70 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization

bumpin this thread. This morning I wrote a script that emulates as all the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR). I haven't used them in any larger projects yet, but i can see a lot of potential. If you modify it to suit your needs, you can make anything from normal tf2 scripts, to an in game calculator, or an in game mini game if you're an insane person. ...Or a computer if you're batshit crazy and have nothing but time on your hands

//used to make an alias do nothing
alias none ""

//set values to your inputs: a and b
alias a=1 "alias input_a 1"
alias b=1 "alias input_b 1"
alias a=0 "alias input_a 0"
alias b=0 "alias input_b 0"

//some aliases, includes the alias c if you want to save the most recent output
alias c "none"
alias zero "alias output output_zero; alias c zero"
alias one "alias output output_one; alias c one"

//some aliases for the outputs, if you want a 1 or a 0 to do something, replace the echo commands
alias output_zero "echo 0"
alias output_one "echo 1"
alias output "none"
//some more aliases
alias a "input_a"
alias b "input_b"
alias 0 "zero"
alias 1 "one"

alias AND "exec logic/and"

alias OR "exec logic/OR"

//NOT (takes a single input, c)
alias NOT "exec logic/NOT"

alias NAND "exec logic/NAND"

alias NOR "exec logic/NOR"

alias XOR "exec logic/XOR"

alias XNOR "exec logic/XNOR"

right now it just tells you the boolean result of two inputs
ex: in console "a=1;b=1;AND;output" would echo a "1"
where a and b are the boolean inputs and the AND is the operation, and the output is what sends the echo

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization
// winger jump
alias +wjump "slot2; +jump; +duck"
alias -wjump "lastinv; -jump; -duck"

// decent turning on demoknight
alias none ""

bind a +kleft
bind d +kright
bind mouse2 +charge

alias current_key "none"

alias kleft "+moveleft; 
alias kright "+moveright; 

alias kright2 "+right; -left"
alias kleft2 "+left; -right"

alias +kleft "kleft; alias current_key +left
alias -kleft "-left; -moveleft; alias current_key none

alias +kright "kright; alias current_key +right
alias -kright "-right; -moveright; alias current_key none

alias +charge "+attack2; alias kleft kleft2; alias kright kright2; current_key; -moveleft; -moveright"
alias -charge "-attack2; alias kleft +moveleft; alias kright +moveright"

//net graph, time left, respawn waves
alias +showscores2 "+showscores; net_graph 3; timeleft; mp_showrespawntimes"
alias -showscores2 "-showscores; net_graph 0"

// a sort of "!regen on" for private servers
sv_cheats 1
sv_allow_wait_command 1
alias a "impulse 101; wait; a" 

The winger jump script switches to the winger, crouch jumps, and then switches back to your previous weapon when you release the button. Works really well, I use it all the time.

The demoknight script rebinds your a and d keys (or whatever you use for move left and move right) to +left and +right when you charge, giving you a better ability to turn when you charge. Its still not as good as using a joystick or playing at 2000fps or whatever. Works better at if you are at a higher fps and if you move your mouse in addition to using your a and d keys. Pretty fun to use in pubs, I have it in a different cfg and i just exec it if i want to use it.

showscores2 shows scoreboard, the time remaining, the next respawn wave, and the net graph.

The last one loops impulse 101, refreshing your ammo and health constantly, good for messing around if you're alone on a jump map or something. Make sure sv_allow_wait_command 1 is set or else it will crash your game.

Side note, if anyone needs help with a script I could probably lend a hand.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 spy civilian script for kicks in TF2 General Discussion
alias +civ "+use_action_slot_item"
alias -civ "build 3 0; -use_action_slot_item

bind h +civ

Hey I made this script, I thought it was kinda neat. It turns you into a civilian if you're on spy.

You have to have a taunt equiped in your action slot and you have to have your sapper out

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Left handed config? (mouse on the left) in Customization
jake_deswhat do you mean?

A config with binds suited for people who use their right hand for their keyboard and their left hand for their mouse rather than left for keyboard and right for mouse.

xetsogWill upload in a sec


Add me if you need any assistance, this is my config and I'm a lefty.


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Left handed config? (mouse on the left) in Customization

Does anyone here use their right hand for their keyboard? I'm looking for a lefty config, I wanna try it out.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 justin ama in TF2 General Discussion

what is your hud and mouse?

posted about 11 years ago
#76 YOUR TF2/GAMING SUPERSTITIONS in TF2 General Discussion
Sicepeople with all lowercase letters in their name are really good

can confirm

tmoneybut also people who make their name (name)! are better

can confirm

posted about 11 years ago
#438 It begins! in Off Topic

please and thank you

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Post your favorite binds in Off Topic

bind f "say !"

posted about 11 years ago
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