StylaxDoughyStylaxIn all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.
Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1
I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.
I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and also killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.
Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.
just make it so sniper insta dies if there's a soldier on his screen