kinezyr : you spent more time as sniper than you did with your parents
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198268995527 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:308729799] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:154364899 |
Country | Croatia |
Signed Up | December 1, 2018 |
Last Posted | March 24, 2025 at 1:09 PM |
Posts | 131 (0.1 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 0.8025 |
Windows Sensitivity | 1 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | atlantis mini 4k |
Keyboard | doomhammer, custom switches |
Mousepad | saturn pro square |
Headphones | tangzu wan'er |
Monitor | aoc 144hz TN |
TynnyriLotusberry tHeSe qUoTeS ShOw fAiLuReS To gRaSp bAsIc lAnGuAgE AnD PrEvIoUs dEfInItIoNs.
Failing to form syllogisms or keep track of previously agreed upon definitions can be challenging, That's why making mistakes is completely fine - you can feel differently if you want.
Sorry, let's put that into a format you can grasp: aLExIthYMiA Is CHaRAcTERized By an impaired ABILiTY TO BE awaRE OF, eXpliCITlY iDeNtifY, and DeScrIbE oNE's fEELings
brother please keep it to just one post a day, can't keep up with these levels of autism
TynnyricookieDon't feed the troll
thanks, almost replied to the eu esperanto mandate troll. This community is full of creeps and weirdos.
hgrentshgdownload links are outdated except for script, anyone got it still or? also where should i put script? sorry for dumb questions
says its been deleted
it doesn't work anyways
Wandumpavilionpraying for Checo's quali today, hopefully man at least gets into for sure
surely he makes it to spa..
anyone got a version with green dot in the middle? :)
jp_unintended benefit of this update seems to be the ability to run 2k hz polling without dropping frames/stuttering. But still no go on 4k for me.
i'm running 4k, have no issues whatsoever
hifdoes anyone have a smaller version of seekerOL? i use a low res so seeker looks kinda pixely and is way too big
this small plus with the thick outline
think that's just zeeqplus1 or 2
included in venom's crosshairs now
thank you very much, wasn't aware of that software, took a long break from tf2 recentrly
this small plus with the thick outline
have been using tangzu wan'er IEMs for the past 4-5 months and been loving them, only about 16-20eur depending where you live
some people value their time
not sure if this fits the "video essay" genre but a great watch for anyone that likes racing and especially rally
BigHeart 2:15 hud?
some older version of kbnhud