Hey I am in debate and I researched the shit out of this:
There are some really interesting arguments on both sides.
1. Gun Control laws are key in reducing firearms proliferation that escalates violence. Many gun related homicides committed every year are escalations. Obviously a large portion of the homicides are people who got a gun just to kill people, but many people only ended up using a gun for example to win a fight. (In Florida a man got in a bar fight, went home, came back 30 mins later with a gun, shot the guy he fought, and was acquitted due to Florida's "Castle Defense" laws). Gun Control solves b/c people like this would be unable to escalate the cycle.
2.a Stolen Guns (that means not borrowed, not purchased legitimately) accounted for 90.5% of firearm homicides in 2011. Some say that this would make gun control useless because 9.5% is a pretty low solvency rate, but remember that 9.5% is still almost 1000 people per year.
2.b I disagree with that assessment. A high percentage of "stolen" guns were originally purchased from a legitimate dealer or gun show. The laws that solve this would need to be structured such that those who purchase guns are forced to prove that they do in fact retain their guns. This would require a further bureaucratic structure, but since more than 60% of killers dispose of their gun afterwords, ultimately the amount of illegal guns available would shrink dramatically.
3. Many illegal guns come in from Mexico. There is not a way to solve this without doing much worse things (at least that I have read). This, however, is relatively small compared to the flow resulting from legitimate gun purchasers "losing" (selling) their guns away.
4. The idea that the right to bear arms would somehow stop some tyrant from taking over is nonsensical. The USA spends 41% of ALL MONEY spent on defense in the world. That is more than I believe the next 10 spenders combined. If you think that you and your fucking AK-47 are going to stop the more than 9000 M1 Abrams battle tanks in the US army (just as the tip of the iceberg), you are retarded. The fact of the matter is that unless you are allowed to purchase RPG-7s, Javelins, and Stingers at your local fucking Wal Mart then a tyrant with control of the army would very easily take over the country. There is no way to effectively solve that except for our structured government. Pretty much everyone who has tried to take too many powers has been shut down by the supreme court or congress or even the president. A tyrant is so unlikely as to be an impossibility. If you are worried about that small chance then you probably should stop going outside so as to prevent being struck by a rogue meteor.
5. Mass shootings are almost always carried out by people with a history of serious mental illness, substance abuse, and early trauma. We don't even understand the issues that many of these people face, so attempting to counsel them or "cure" them is probably a wild goose chase. We can't stop people from wanting to commit mass murder, but maybe we can stop people from being able to commit mass murder.
TL;DR: Strict gun control is good.