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Country United States
Signed Up January 3, 2016
Last Posted May 26, 2016 at 10:20 AM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
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Headphones Logitech G430
Monitor ASUS
#10 TF2 Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfthe fact that he really hasnt defended all the people calling him a scammer much is weird

lmfao. I'm not a scammer.


We got the ban removed by now.

ShpeeismeI'm also pretty sure it's an american tournament since you're american yourself. Might've been good to mention

I mentioned the servers would be in San Francisco. It will be an American tournament.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Hi there!

We're hosting a single-elimination 30 key tournament. We'll be announcing consolation prizes, schedule, and more details later on our steam group forum.

Free to enter and tons of prizes.


posted about 8 years ago
#18 - TF2 Coinflip Site in The Dumpster
KevinIsPwnjmeyer2kI can't really get rep without people on my siteYou can get a bunch of rep from my pov if you support the tossup claim you made in the OP.

support it how?

Also, I registered with

posted about 8 years ago
#14 - TF2 Coinflip Site in The Dumpster

Hey, yeah, so, I don't really play games much except CS every once in a while. You can test out my site, but I can't prove that my site is legit without rep and I can't really get rep without people on my site, but we just fixed a ton of bugs today, and it's working much more smoothly, so if you want to give it another try, I'd appreciate it.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 - TF2 Coinflip Site in The Dumpster

You get a 50-50 chance of doubling your money. Yes, I should make an about page.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 - TF2 Coinflip Site in The Dumpster


I'm Julian. You may remember me from shutting down against Delta who was scamming everyone.

I decided to come out with a site on my own called where you can coinflip others for coins and withdraw the coins.

Post any issues or feedback you have below!

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
1tobI've been looking for more of his alts. And I'm really confused. Tanner's steamrep and 'some' of his alts.

I knew there had to be more. BeerBear and Delta were already known alts of eachother but they weren't linked with Tanner yet. I found 2 other accounts. But one of them is really weird Backside Ollie <-- this guy BeerBear Truzic
Truzic is a confirmed tanner alt on steamrep, BeerBear is a confirmed Delta alt and is also Tanner.
Backside Ollie has the same steam profile layout and a trade probation. His custom steam url is An obvious alt, right?

Then I found this: Backside Ollie's steamrep. He's an alt of ShaquelBlack lft iM.
Ollie has a trade probation, Shaquel has a VAC ban. Scamming + hacking? Where have I heard that before?
Ollie's friends list only has Shaquel and what looks to be another Tanner alt, MinnesotaTryHard. One of Tanner's known alts also has some random googled chick with similar text on it.

Cool. All of these are Tanner alts, right? nope. • Elextren • is Tanner in this log. Yea...
Tanner and Shaquel have played together before also found this but it doesn't prove anything. Tanner can't even play tf2center without hacking and often lost still so i doubt this was serious

So wtf is going on? Is he account sharing? Is Tanner actually 2 people? Did a friend play with him on his alts to look legit? Did he make teams for the sole purpose of making it look like 2 scammer/hacker accounts were 2 different people (he never cared about this with other alts)? this was the other alt I found. But this one isn't that weird. His alias is an anagram of Truzic, he has a trade probation and he doesn't know how to spell 'competitive'. Looking for terrible spelling has actually helped me find some of these alts

edit: confirmed that they're friends

I gotta say, that was impressively thorough.

posted about 9 years ago