Account Details
SteamID64 76561198019571194
SteamID3 [U:1:59305466]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29652733
Country United States
Signed Up September 25, 2012
Last Posted January 4, 2022 at 6:15 PM
Posts 465 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity .61
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G500s
Keyboard Michrosoft Sidewinder x4
Mousepad Steelseries thing. 18 in I think.
Headphones Logitech G35
Monitor BenQ (HOW DID HE SEE MEEE?) XL2411
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#58 albums/mixtape you can listen to start from finish in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 8 years ago
#1 medic demo call round 3 in Videos

Sup bros.

Let's make another community medic frag movie. The last one turned out awesome, so if you're not sure what kind of frags to submit, that should give you a pretty good idea.

Like the last two times, I don't really care how you get me the demos, you can post them here, PM me on tftv, or add me on steam. The most reliable way is to post them here or in a PM though. Ticks have to be with the demos in some form, be it in the name, or in a text file attached.

Game format doesn't really matter, although I will probably hold high level 6s above your lobby ultiduo clip.


posted about 8 years ago
#28 the photography thread in Off Topic
fade-yea skeez i totally see your point, there's no point in me dumping money on somethng that i don't really need

i'll probably try and buy like a d300 used or something and try and go from there

yeah just don't skimp on lenses. I highly recommend buying a body used, but for the most part it's not worth buying used lenses.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 the photography thread in Off Topic
fade-joejoe347fade-joddcould you guys please, along with your pictures, also post your camera/setup/etc. looking to buy something soon
for mine i just used my iphone 6 lol newer iphones have shockingly good cameras, the iphone 6s camera is honestly better than some older slrs

i've been meaning to buy an actual camera like a d300 or something but no $

This is sorta true, but the dynamic range on the iPhone is still gonna be crap compared to any actual digital camera. I'm biased but if anyone is looking to get into photography, it's surprisingly cheap to shoot 35mm, and it's a great way to train yourself to be more conservative and actually learn how to use a camera. You can usually find good condition film cameras on craigslist for ~100, and the price of film and processing is pretty cheap as long as you live in a decent sized city.

for me i just had a shit load of spare time over the summer and a ton of great places to go in sf so i tried to make memories or whatever using my phone

what's a good new camera? i remember last time i looked i was considering getting a nikon d300 / 500, thoughts on those? would $500 worth of lenses + dslr be enough to count as "high end" or still no?

To be "high end" you'd probably need to spend at least $1000. But most people don't need high end. If you grab a $600 body you'll be just fine for most things. What really matters is the glass your shooting on though, so buying a used body, and new lenses isn't a bad idea if you're on a tight budget. I personally shoot almost everything on prime lenses, and get by just fine. They're cheaper than zooms, and the quality is always going to be higher. The only zoom I shoot on a regular basis is my 10-24mm, but that's only because it's the widest angle lense I have. Planning on getting a 16mm prime at some point in the future.

This sorta brings me back to my film argument though. You could get higher quality images for about a third of the cost if you shoot on film. My Nikon N80 body cost me $80 on Craigslist, and then you could spend a lot more on a good lens, even a high end zoom.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 the photography thread in Off Topic
fade-joddcould you guys please, along with your pictures, also post your camera/setup/etc. looking to buy something soon
for mine i just used my iphone 6 lol newer iphones have shockingly good cameras, the iphone 6s camera is honestly better than some older slrs

i've been meaning to buy an actual camera like a d300 or something but no $

This is sorta true, but the dynamic range on the iPhone is still gonna be crap compared to any actual digital camera. I'm biased but if anyone is looking to get into photography, it's surprisingly cheap to shoot 35mm, and it's a great way to train yourself to be more conservative and actually learn how to use a camera. You can usually find good condition film cameras on craigslist for ~100, and the price of film and processing is pretty cheap as long as you live in a decent sized city.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 the photography thread in Off Topic

Anyone here shoot 35mm or medium format?

Mix of Portra 400 and Superia 800. The stuff with the green cast is Superia. Shot on a Nikon N80, with a 50mm because that's the only 35mm lense i have...

I also got this shot with my quad recently while i was in Vermont.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Extine on TV in TF2 General Discussion

extine is in desperate need of a well fitting suit

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Auto redirect ads in Site Discussion
yaiswhat the fuck is that facebook tab that's open

you can nickname friends in facebook chats, that's what one of my friends is named in our chat.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Auto redirect ads in Site Discussion

Not 100% sure how this happened, but I was just browsing tftv when I suddenly was brought to this ad, and taken away from tftv.

First time this has ever happened on tftv so I figured it's probably not meant to happen.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Sniper Vs. Scout PT. 2 (Snipers Revenge) in Videos

I mean this wasn't total trash, which is really saying something considering their age/resources.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 anybody got tumblr in Off Topic
collyjoejoe347 It's mostly my photography.did u put syrup on ur fries

no but my friend was getting pancakes at like 2am like the tard he is.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 anybody got tumblr in Off Topic It's mostly my photography.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

yo yo if you guys need editors for the youtube channel I'd be down.

posted about 8 years ago
#405 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

I think Solo might be my favorite track on Blond. The organ is just so godly.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 How is this happening in World Events
aierapeople who feel the need to vote for a party or candidate instead of using their brain and voting on issues should have their right to vote revoked.

"i have to vote for hillary because trump is racist"
"i have to vote for trump because hillary is a liar/criminal"

unless you live in a battleground state it legit does not matter this election is way too close for votes in blue/red states to matter, if you are unhappy with the major party offerings you should vote 3rd party or abstain from voting instead of throwing away your vote and not truly showing your discontent. like who the fuck wastes their time to vote for a candidate they don't even like, are you a masochist or something?

Yeah this is true, unless you live in a swing state, then sure, go ahead and vote third party if it makes you feel better. Also if you are going to vote third party, at least vote for someone with experience, like Gary Johnson, someone who has actually held major public office before running for president.

Also to address your main point, this is actually wrong. Using the First Pass The Post voting system that the United States uses, there is mathematically, no room for a third party candidate for president, it just can't happen. This is why people vote for things they don't like.

posted about 8 years ago
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