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Signed Up November 30, 2014
Last Posted March 10, 2022 at 11:46 AM
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#13 Pocket Medic for Keys in TF2 General Discussion

does the price include you meowing into the microphone

posted about 2 years ago
#12237 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#2 why was quickiebomb launcher banned in TF2 General Discussion

we had a poll and majority voted quickies out,

posted about 3 years ago
#3 should i care about KDR? in TF2 General Discussion

i think that you should play the game rather than aim trainers, soldier comes down to game sense and position more than just raw aim

posted about 3 years ago
#11672 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#31 Why aren't you prem/invite yet? in TF2 General Discussion
taviim just bad and cant play above div2, which i first played about 5 years ago

speaking of this, i wonder is there is someone with more officials than me without ever playing prem

i sit at 218 at the moment

you are like a baby

posted about 3 years ago
#6 GlobalClan journeys to the East, picks up XIAO in News

GC really living up to its name

posted about 3 years ago
#958 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
TobI've never seen an engineer main with okay game sense or DM after almost 8 years of TF2.
Probably a combination of how braindead most engi mains are + how little impact the class has even if they're good.

Many of the best engi players throughout TF2's lifespan have been HL players who play other classes.
They get put on the class because there are more HL teams than there are okay engineer mains to fill the slots.

you wouldnt say that to rambosaur

posted about 4 years ago
#66 Fav Youtuber/Youtube channel? in TF2 General Discussion long videos for tall gamers

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Kraft American Singles in Off Topic

Hello Mr. American. I wished to inform you that all across the globe, we eat more or less processed cheese. I like it on hamburgers however I can not stand it anywhere else considering that it was force fed in the army :)

posted about 4 years ago
#32 Iron Bomber+Regular Pipes have the same physics in TF2 General Discussion

lets make all the projectile hitboxes cylinders so that demos and soldiers could eat more shit :D

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Iron Bomber+Regular Pipes have the same physics in TF2 General Discussion

this is extremely lazy video but i am not smart enough to do a proper video about it however there is a difference between how the projectiles of stock and iron bomber detonate

you can see that the stock pipes contact with the projectile hitbox really irregularly where as any contact of the hitbox and iron bomber sets it off

would be cool if any smarter person in this community decided to take a look at how the actual hitboxes of the projectiles look like

posted about 4 years ago
#22 etf2l admins in TF2 General Discussion

it wasnt me who made the admin request but i reckon you could continue it there

posted about 4 years ago
#9 etf2l admins in TF2 General Discussion
DuMmTmaparently an admin put their mid team in div3 last season simply cause they could (and iirc without really consulting their team either), leaving multiple far better teams in mid while they won a single map all season

aoshi was asking other teams to switch the place with italians so i reckon none of them took up the offering

posted about 4 years ago
#1 etf2l admins in TF2 General Discussion

Me and the boys were mixing once again, searching games through etf2l discord and found these fine gentleman

The first whom name is visible on the first screenshot and the latter (most likely an alt account) decided to greet us with the message on the second screenshot (the third screenshot just because i dont want to be hit by the admins with "but the changed the name already everything is fine xd)

The response from the admin team was fairly unexpected from older reports about matters such as these

Earlier case from January, we reported our opponent because on the killcam we saw the he was running a fairly peculiar set of weapons provided in the first screenshot. In the same admin request we brought up how an active gamer was acting really homophomic, promising to hunt down and kill players on lan due to their sexual alignment. Since that is from a private discord I will share it if any admins are once again interested. The answer from the admins is in the second screenshot.

This is not meant as a witch hunt however it is really weird for etf2l to state that racism and homophobia is out of their scope considering that they have in the past taken really drastic measures against such things. The most meaningful one being the case where pred and degu were harassing uberchain on twitter (out of etf2l scope). etf2l's response on the matter

Jedi(fla)master got banned on etf2l for posting a video regarding BlueBunny for a lifetime or until the video was taking off the platform, once again this wasnt on etf2l but rather on youtube, that being out of etf2l scope.

In the second fresh meat cup a team who had an admin at the time decided to play with these names because their opponents were named Niger gaming. Their punishment was a major warning (meaningless in the playoffs stage because the team hadn't taken any other warnings on the season) and a map pick disadvantage on the next round on the playoffs.

The last case that comes to my mind is RRR aka littlenyar getting banned for initially 4 years, shortened down to entirety of 2020, for posting a negative comment about a league admin who had recently passed away.

At this point it seems to me that etf2l are just highly biased to punish people who are mean to their own friends, while disregarding what happens on the lower divisions, brushing it under the rug and claiming things are out of their scope. I have seen etf2l admins play pubs with their friends, having their friends call people by racial slurs yet they take no action against them, just because its out of their scope.

posted about 4 years ago
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