8/3/14: Found a team.
My IGN is DOLPHIN RIDER and I'm looking for a dogged, perseverant team so I can continue practicing TF2.
Although my TF2 experience is limited -- I've only played two seasons of low-level UGC -- I've put a lot of hours into MGE & scrimming to keep my wits up for this last season. As I'm not entirely satisfied with how quickly my summer season of UGC silver ended, I'm still anxious to keep practicing. I'm absolutely dogshit at anything outside of scout though, so please keep that in mind.
I played GunZ: The Duel & Darkfall Online at pretty competitive levels before coming to TF2, so I'm hoping to apply the skill sets I've learned from those games as I improve.
I'm usually around all day until I move for college on August 14th. Afterwards, my availability may be a bit hectic until I'm comfortable with my schedule.
I'm fine with paying any necessary league fees.
Hope to hear back.