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Signed Up February 7, 2014
Last Posted September 11, 2024 at 8:52 AM
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 39
#2 Cl interp settings in Q/A Help

do you have steam cloud synchronization disabled for tf2, did you add snapshot_buffer=custom in your overrides/modules.cfg, and did you add class config files in your overrides folder with your desired cl_interp_ratio and cl_interp?

posted 3 months ago
#1 Call to arms for the 2v2 MGE Cup Invite Division! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey everyone! is hosting a cup between July 27th-28th, and we're really looking to get more exposure from high-level players for our invite division hosted on July 28th. If you & your friend have RGL advanced+ experience and/or are vouched for having equivalent MGE skills, we'd love to see your team apply for our invite division. Our criteria to play our invite division is, more than anything, an ambition to play at the highest levels & a track record of doing so. As such, we've reserved 320 keys of our prize pool for the invite division, with the minimum prize of 3rd place winning 40 keys! We only have 7 teams currently applied to invite, and while we're OK with a minimum of 8 invite teams, we're looking to support as many as 16 invite teams!

More information can be found in our event post:

Fireside Casts has been gracious enough to offer their casting talent & services, so expect your time on the spotlight!
We've also been graciously sponsored by, so please check them out if you're looking to buy & sell your TF2 items!

posted 4 months ago
#2 GreenDotBlackOutlineGreenCircle in Customization

tob's crosshair repo has variants (
same with venom's crosshair repo (

i wasn't really thinking about generality when i color-coded mine, so theirs could be strictly better. shout-out to them for compiling so many crosshairs.

posted 6 months ago
#69 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion

too many closet cheaters in gaming nowadays. please keep up being skeptical and reporting on any basis of suspicion; the problem is just going to keep getting worse across basically every game until trusted hardware & DRM-enabled HMDs are enforced/accessible (if ever). even in pubs and mge, i hate having to play stupid psychological warfare games against people that obviously want to sandbag and have close battles when they clearly have no idea what they're doing.

posted 8 months ago
#6 that time you were innocent falsly accused in TF2 General Discussion

posted 9 months ago
#5 left arm/elbow/wrist rests & gaming desks in Hardware

ah yeah, that's my regular gaming posture (also with a less steep keyboard angle).
i also recently switched from WASD to IJKL binds to try to isolate any strain caused by my arm span (+ to avoid my mouse bumping into my keyboard on left flicks, as my current favorite mousepad isn't a deskpad & so i have to be mindful of mousepad-keyboard spacing) and to also unlock some extra binds for my pinky & thumb. it works well with that V-shaped posture. unfortunately, it didn't alleviate my wrist + fingers cramps.

for reference, this is the shape of my current desk surface so my keyboard is quite a bit more forward on the desk than your reference image & the curve doesn't provide any fundamental elbow support vs a flat edge on a regular rectangular surface. was thinking that this curve could be exacerbating some problems, so i'm completely open to suggestions for large desks that people like, as long as they can support multi-monitor weight & are fairy long + wide. any L-desk users by chance?

posted 9 months ago
#3 left arm/elbow/wrist rests & gaming desks in Hardware

ur referring to putting the keyboard on ur lap, right?
might be a good perspective switch. i'm used to having my arm + wrist fully supported by a surface, but maybe it's exacerbating an issue. i'll give it a try, although i'm a bit worried about the ergonomics between switching from mouse + keyboard usage to typing/keyboard-focused usage. maybe two keyboards is the play...

posted 9 months ago
#1 left arm/elbow/wrist rests & gaming desks in Hardware

my left hand isn't what it used to be, and i'm looking 2 do anything to reduce fatigue + pain.

i have a few rests that suffice for regular typing, but i don't deal with the same issues because i can pace myself while working as opposed to gaming. i think my biggest weakness is that my desk doesn't really support my elbow at all, and my chair's arm rest, while it can go over my desk, is a bit too exaggerated & i lose the overall arm support that i would get by planting my arm on the desk. my current setup is to switch between this and that, but i'm looking for something that supports my whole arm + elbow, or can accompany the two.

ideally i'd like to not replace my keyboard, as i love my wooting 60he for gaming, but if there's any equivalent hall effect gaming-focused split keyboards, would love to know.

since tf2 is a pretty intense game & lots of us are getting older, wonder if anyone else here has been trying to fix their ergonomics & has worked against RSI problems with special equipment.

posted 9 months ago
#4 Enough is enough. It's 2024 now. in TF2 General Discussion

posted 11 months ago
#12 Mousepad ideas in Hardware

here's another great resource; viscose took the time to measure the dynamic & static frictions of many popular pads:

posted 11 months ago
#10 Mousepad ideas in Hardware


posted 11 months ago
#5 THE FINALS in Other Games
scratchhthe beta was really fun but right now atleast currently for me every lobby is glytched and empty or lagging to the point of unplayability so hopefully ill just wait a few days and itll be fun again

i had to do a few things to get the party functionality to work & to be able to queue into games in the first place, and that included updating my embark tag ( & enabling crossplay. i have a feeling that crossplay-enabled servers run better than pc only ones -- i played about 16 hours without empty servers or lag -- so i'm curious if that alone fixes your problems, since i don't think crossplay is enabled by default if you played the betas & didn't delete your old config file.

posted about a year ago
#1 THE FINALS in Other Games
LET'S FUCKING GOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

posted about a year ago
#78 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#2 The Spring Cleaning Update (Theoretical Page) in Projects

i really hope your work gets more exposure. it's incredible to me how few people, relatively speaking, even use your mastercomfig presets. tons of pubbers still complain about their networking, their FPS, hitches, and various other bugs that have been known about & worked around for years by the competitive scene. this custom build would exactly solve these problems, and would objectively translate to more money to valve through, simply enough, longer play sessions without the game catastrophically failing because someone played too long & ran "out of memory" on a modern computer, didn't reload their custom HUD elements, gave up from dealing with chronic hit registration problems, etc. literal no brainer given that you've done all this hard work basically for them (barring whatever trivial merge conflicts that have arisen since your custom game build). wish you nothing but the best.

posted about a year ago
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