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Signed Up February 7, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 5:26 PM
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#66 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster
bearodactyli love how the counterargument to 'conflate already carries a negative connotation' was for AimIsADick, PhD, to say 'well, what if someone used it in the other sense of the word, to mix! then i would HAVE to specify' as if citing the fact that there are in fact Two Senses of a word means you have to bastardize the word with some awful prefix instead of just writing like a normal human and letting the reader decide which you mean based on a thing called Context

hello it is me, highschool philosopher mcgee, i shall resolve Every Single Possible Ambiguity in my War Against Context

i studied philosophy and am in grad school doing research in natural language processing but i hope my pedigree wont mis-disqualify me from discussion with sir AimIsADick (please do keep replying though i cant wait to make a chatbot version of u trained on your awful posts)

sorry bear, we're looking for an unnatural language processor. we'll call you if we have an opening.

flatlinejoshuawnhello everyone i will help settle this epic debate
conflate is best understood in modern day use as a portmanteau of confuse & inflate (a definition or a concept). "inadvertent" mixing of concepts tends to be followed in its modern definition.
the etymology points to it as just a mix of concepts, not necessarily one that is confused:
sometimes language usage just develops ironically like that lol, usually from a need to express a complex sentiment in a way that wasn't previously prolific. sometimes it's just the works of a really popular writer that bring an ironic nuance to a previously neutral word. shakespeare did this with many words. euphemisms, as a concept, are another great example of this.
i hope that helps

forum poster
dolphin rider!!!!!

hey flatline, hope you've been doing well :)

posted about 2 years ago
#57 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster

hello everyone i will help settle this epic debate
conflate is best understood in modern day use as a portmanteau of confuse & inflate (a definition or a concept). "inadvertent" mixing of concepts tends to be followed in its modern definition.
the etymology points to it as just a mix of concepts, not necessarily one that is confused:
sometimes language usage just develops ironically like that lol, usually from a need to express a complex sentiment in a way that wasn't previously prolific or, from hindsight, an evaluation of the irony of its previous usage. sometimes it's just the works of a really popular writer that bring an ironic nuance to a previously neutral word. shakespeare did this with many words. euphemisms, as a concept, are another great example of this.
i hope that helps

forum poster

posted about 2 years ago
#28 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster

consistemcy is wen the sistem cons you out of ur job and money tats why im unconsistement its not fare

posted about 2 years ago
#30 personal favorite alias? in TF2 General Discussion

incantation of provocation

posted about 2 years ago
#4 TF2 Deconstruction compliation video? in Off Topic

here is a full video of jungle inferno

posted about 2 years ago
#6 twitter tftv edition in The Dumpster


posted about 2 years ago
#11 Gunz: The Duel in Other Games

get ready to fight
let's rock

crackbabydumpster@dolphin rider

hi saam how are u doing

posted about 3 years ago
#37 Funding TF2 competetive with Crypto in Off Topic

portfolios? post

feels bad man

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Funding TF2 competetive with Crypto in Off Topic
justjazzany other Chainlink Millionaires in the house?

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Funding TF2 competetive with Crypto in Off Topic

6% taxed from paper handed uber droppers, and 12% burned by a pyro or something
hodl your uber and push into our yield farms with 100000% APR & community funded liquidity
now on fantom network

posted about 3 years ago
#118 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization
insomniaripBenNZLI made some current weapon icons from the ones used in the backpack. They can be extracted from tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/weapon/c_models and don't need any editing.

I really liked this idea and I didn't see a download link so I've completed this if anybody is interested.


The only downside is that multiple unlocks share the same tf_weapon_....ctx file as seen here so I could only use one image for those.
Sorry for posting in such an old thread, but does anyone have these? DL link is broken

in the future, follow what he said: extract the icons from tf2_textures_dir.vpk within the specified folder via GCFScape, use vtfedit if necessary & create a .vmt for each of the icons.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 tftv comedian in The Dumpster

posted about 3 years ago
#27 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help

posted about 3 years ago
#15 lange banned from twitch in The Dumpster

stroke and squat

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Its friday night in Off Topic

posted about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 39