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Signed Up April 27, 2015
Last Posted March 2, 2020 at 2:02 PM
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#26 VALORANT in Other Games
Wandumomg guys she said our name its finally gonna happen isnt it

this time for sure

posted about 5 years ago
#17 VALORANT in Other Games

Espn mentioned TF2! There's an easy group of former Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch pro players who have left the latter because Overwatch League wasn't for them or felt slighted by the decreasing funding for the amateur and Tier 2 scenes. Many of these players moved to Apex Legends when it was the game du jour, but since Apex has yet to blow up to the point where there's a highly lucrative pro scene (despite being, in my humble opinion, absolutely the best battle royale game out there), I see a lot of them moving over to at least try Valorant.
posted about 5 years ago
#38 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events
ReeroTino_How is that a straw man? It is an actual argument that was touted all over the place not 15 years ago.

The premise of the argument is literally the exact same. Much like global warming the issue is not black or white and there are many solutions that can be put forward. But the US just had a weapon fetish that it cant get over.
All max said was that a straight ban of guns is impossible logistically, and any further restrictions on guns would be pretty useless as they have already proven futile or would also be logistical nightmares. Gun control is such a tricky issue in the U.S. Because this country's history, heritage,and political circumstances are so vastly different from any other Western nation.

Which is why we need to change. I'm not entirely sure why there's so much hate on gun control right now, as the problem seems to lie in the fact that mass murders are becoming the norm. Instead of stating the oh so common statement "you cant get rid of guns, it's not possible, engrained in culture" why not realize that middle ground is attainable? I dont think any rational human being in america thinks that banning guns, or even regulating them more would completely get rid of murders, but would stronger restrictions help? well we don't know cuz they dont exist. Maybe nothing would happen, or maybe fewer impulsive angry teenagers would go out to walmart and buy a gun off the shelf and kill 12 children the next day. We can't know, because people just assume its futility. I personally think it's not a complete solution that we talk about with gun control, but rather a way to cut down on the death. Analogy (albet one a little horrible to compare with human death): if you put winter tires on your car, you still could slip, yet less often

posted about 7 years ago
#75 College in Off Topic

University of Southern California, if anyone is going there, hmu and we can lan it up

posted about 7 years ago
#13 album recommendation thread in Music, Movies, TV

Zhu - Generation Why

Flume - Skin

Isaiah Rashad - The Sun's Tirade
Sublime - Sublime

Gorillaz - Demon Days

Gorillaz - literally everything they make

posted about 7 years ago
#27 why do you still eat meat? in The Dumpster
PendjieeeRhettrowe aren't total pussies"im so tough for eating something I bought from a grocery store""I'm so unique I take pride in eating fucking grass".

Giving two shits about what other people eat is probably the most idiotic trait imaginable. Unless you can convince half the world to not eat meat, the beast is already dead. Either it'll get thrown out or consumed by someone else.

What you eat is your business alone, and the fact your title basically says 'I'm a vegetarian why aren't you' is just humble brag; bragging about eating specific food of all fucking things.

Fuck man, get an actual hobby to be proud of.

I'm just throwing this out there... I'm not a vegetarian myself, but I see much more anti vegetarian/vegan shit thrown around on the interwebs than i do actual vegans getting mad at meat eaters.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 simple foods that are delicious in Off Topic

if you for whatever reason cross border of motherland of mine PLEASE get this food

As a fellow slovak, this shit is lifechanging

posted about 8 years ago
#175 Best tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion
MGEMikeEoNAdebisiWhen I say top, I mean like comparable to these players I am mentioning.

I haven't really seen Mike play much of those classes tbf.
mike played demo for ayogurl in season 16 (?) and had outrageous dpm

it triggers me ppl saying others are more versatile just cause i never had a good opportunity to play demo in a top team @ lan

I think that is kind of the point though. You never have won stuff as demo, even if you are hella good. This is not supposed to diminish from your demo skill, but I think what Adebiski said applies to the discussion, how he has never seen you play other classes.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Coach to i58 maybe unfair? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not trying to be a bitch, but why exactly does dashner hate froyo so much?

posted about 8 years ago
#53 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion

there really arent enough tournaments like this happening. Thanks dudes for having initiative

posted about 8 years ago
#93 Froyo Black? in TF2 General Discussion

JV Froyo vs Varsity Froyo

posted about 8 years ago
#601 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

5 passes


posted about 8 years ago
#16 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
BaddazlePharaohEverything about your post screams unprofessional.

Private profile, zero reputation, poor grammar/unfamiliar with English, new account, question dodging, using artwork (of a TFTV staff member no less) without FIRST getting permission...Referring to your site as shit two times in one post.


I guess I just am. I feel whatever i try to do, it never turns at well, and I just am bad at everything

I don't want to ditch this like other things, but I feel it will just be more bad rep.

If you keep saying that your website is trash, then the overall view of it will be the same. Idk why you are trying to hype it up, even hosting a tournament, when you think the cause is stupid and unnecessary. If you are gonna make something that could be potentially useful to the community, at least fake confidence.

posted about 9 years ago
#48 What concerts are you guys going to/hyped for? in Off Topic

firefly in june. Sweaty people

posted about 9 years ago
#153 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkNO guys - rockets, pipes, and the loose cannon are nearly identical. They're all projectiles? What more do you need? If you know a demoman on the other team is using the loose cannon, why are you even trying to push? Idiots. There's always a workaround. Welcome to invite.

didn't you argue against this in an earlier post? maybe I'm dumb, but I am a little confused

also... (not in reply to clockwork) the loose cannon is not unlike a sticky trap. Both can basically one shot medics, and both seem to come out of nowhere. A double donk possibility should not be cause to ban the weapon, but to find a strategy that works around it. When a push come through a door, usually a scout checks for a sticky trap for fear of a medic walking through it. Some kind of strategy could be implemented using the same idea of a sort for a push through a choke against the LC.

posted about 9 years ago